野球フィンランド代表グッズの販売を解禁しました/Sales of Finnish baseball merchandise has commenced
NO BORDERZ BASEBALLではこの度、3月25日の東京野球ブックフェアでも販売させていただいた「野球フィンランド代表Tシャツ」「野球フィンランド代表キャップ」の両商品のオンライン販売を公式オンラインストアにてスタートしました。
現在NO BORDERZ BASEBALLでは、今回のようなマーチャンダイズ商品のラインナップ充実を図るべく関係各所と交渉・調整を進めております。今後とも欧州野球関連グッズの日本での販売には力を入れていく予定ですので、どうぞご期待ください。なお、今回販売開始する商品の実際の入荷は5月11日を予定しております。ご注文いただいた場合、実際にお手元にお届けできるのは11日以降となりますので、予めご了承ください。
We NO BORDERZ BASEBALL are proud to announce that we have commenced the sales operation of "Finnish National team T-shirt" and "Finnish National team baseball cap" at our official online store "NO BORDERZ BASEBALL STORE," which was already sold at Tokyo Baseball Book Fair held on March 25th.
This time, we've prepared 7 pieces of T-shirts (both Large and Medium sizes) and 15 pieces of caps, since we only had few stocks at the event and it was sold out too early. We can accept shipping T-shirt and cap together, or including Basbalo series to your cart as well. You can also use "Free shipping ticket" coupon as well, but please make sure to buy more than 2,430 JPY at once to do so.
Now, we NO BORDERZ BASEBALL are under negotiation with these concerned parties to bolster the merchandise line-up. We are going to work hard for this kind of sales, so stay tuned. By the way, these Finnish merchandise will be ready as our stock from May 11th, so it will actually reach you after that date if you made the shipping order to us, so please acknowledge. Thank you.