ChatGPTの悩み|The ChatGPT's Worries

I tried using the rumored ChatGTP. I was wondering what kind of questions I should ask, I asked questions such as "How to invite a girlfriend who hates soba noodles to a soba restaurant" and "Ten naming ideas for a certain service". Well, that was amazing! In no time at all, they came up with multiple ideas for each of them, and all of them had the right answers. I was so amused that I asked them more questions. It was much more accurate than an Internet search. But after a while, I got bored. Because their answers were too normal. I wondered if it was a limitation of AI, and ChatGPT might be having a hard time with it. If I get an outlandish answer from the beginning, I will be considered a bad person, and if I get too normally an answer, I will consider a boring person. Maybe ChatGPT is learning with these worries in mind. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki