それではみなさんさようなら/Goodbye everyone
10年ほど前、私はこの作品を描くことに手をつけてから、少しずつ少しずつ制作を進めていきました。切り倒したうねる木の枝、掲示板でサビた画鋲、悪意に満ちた人の目、そういったものたちを 整理して片をつけるようにじりじり進めていきました。 それは時折進めるのが怖く、また自分に仕上げる力が足りていないように感じられました。
I want to throw everything away and let go like I let a balloon fly into the sky. I want to throw away all my tangled thoughts like trees. I wanted to say goodbye to everything and disappear like that. Extinguish the candles, bow and close the curtain. This work is a collection of the little things that I couldn't throw away, and myself.
It is a work that has been produced little by little for about 10 years. The undulating tree branches that were cut down, the thumbtacks that rusted on the bulletin board, the eyes of people full of malice, and so on. I proceeded slowly to sort things out. It was scary to go through at times and felt like I wasn't strong enough to finish it. Even so, I managed to get to the point where I managed to put things in order, and my heart finally felt lighter.
Neither living nor dying is painful and easy. I am still alive today, feeling like I want to disappear like magic.