本日のスピーチは3本。すべてが3月26日に行われるエリアコンテスト用のスピーチとなりました。Jさんは、Random act of kindnessについてパワフルなスピーチを披露しました。日本語スピーチでは、自らの教師生活の集大成についてSさんが話してくれ、仕事の大変さとやりがいを伝える素晴らしい内容でした。ベストに輝いたMさんのスピーチは、大切な人について感動のスピーチで、聴衆の心を掴みました。号泣していた会員もいました。
The 309th meeting was held on a warm sunny day waiting for the cherry blossoms to bloom. As the chairman was on an overseas business trip, S. acted as his substitute. He could understand how hard it is for the chairman on a daily basis.
Today's host was Ms. M. In the warm-up session, we all gave one-minute speeches about "what we are addicted to". It turned out to be a very interesting sharing of the daily life of the members.
In the table topics, Mr. Y moderated an impromptu speech on the theme of life, including "big mistakes," "books," "anger," and "learning. The best of the day went to Mr. J who introduced a book that had a great impact on his life, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Three speeches were given today. J-san gave a powerful speech about the Random act of kindness. In the Japanese speech, Mr. S talked about the culmination of his teaching career, and it was a wonderful presentation of the difficulties and rewards of the job. Ms. M, who won the best speech, won the hearts of the audience with her moving speech about her loved ones. Some members cried.
The next meeting will be held on March 25. And the area contest will be the next day, March 26. We wish all contestants good luck.