Ameba Ownd


Team ARASHI ~  嵐応援情報

【独占インタビュー】DJ Kevin/Platinum Vibes Radio, NY, USA ③

2023.03.23 03:02

アメリカ・ニューヨークのラジオ局、Platinum Vibes Radio のプロデューサー及びDJのKevinさんにお話をうかがいました。こちらはそのPART3です。 

 ➡ PART1PART2 はこちら

海外ラジオDJに質問!のコーナーより深い内容になっています。(DJ Kevinより、日本語訳[by Ryu for TeamARASHI]及び掲載の許諾済)

💬 番組について、周囲の反応について


[嵐ファン]Do you have staff who understand Japanese, and who writes the Japanese for social media and announcements? 


[DJ Kevin]While no one on the staff fluently speaks or understands Japanese, we have all made a concerted effort to learn common phrases and frequently used kanji characters in order to comprehend social media posts or emails to us in Japanese. It has allowed us to comfortably reply to most social media as well as create bi-lingual announcements. I also enjoy incorporating some of the Japanese I've learned into my opening monologue for the special broadcasts. 



[嵐ファン]Have you played Arashi's music to the Americans, such as your coworkers, family or friends? What did they think of Arashi? 


[DJ Kevin]Yes indeed, inadvertently, my 9-year old daughter Natalia has become fond of ARASHI as I play many of the songs at home as well. She has really taken to ARASHI and J-pop overall with “IN THE SUMMER”, "Turning Up” and “A-RA-SHI” as her favorites. She has even adopted some of the fan lingo such as telling me she has an Ohno bias. She has also gotten her drum teacher at school into ARASHI. He is a veteran musician and producer and loves their songs, especially the versatility of their voices. Also, I have shared ARASHI's music with some of the recording artists I work with and they are so impressed, it has peaked their interest in collaborating with J-pop artists on future releases. 

家でも嵐の曲をたくさんかけているので、9歳になる娘のナタリアはいつの間にか嵐が大好きになリました。「IN THE SUMMER」「Turning Up」「A・RA・SHI」などがお気に入りで、嵐とJ-POP全般を気に入っているようです。ファン用語も覚えたらしく「私の推しは大野くんなの」と教えてくれました。 娘は学校で打楽器の先生に嵐の魅力を語り尽くして、嵐ファンにしてしまったんです。この先生はベテランのミュージシャンであり、プロデューサーでもあるのですが、嵐の歌、特にその多彩な歌声がとても気に入ったようでした。また、一緒に仕事をしているプロのミュージシャン達にも嵐の音楽を紹介してみたらとても好評で、J-POPアーティストとのコラボにも興味津々といった感じが見受けられました。


[嵐ファン]What do you consider important in selecting songs on WPVR other than the number of requests? 


[DJ Kevin]Personal choice / Select for the listeners / Select by melody / Select by lyrics / Select by intro and outro Components of all of the above actually factor into my decision on whether to add a song. Naturally, if there are several requests then I’m more prone to add it, however, there still has to be discernment..i.e. is the lyrical content appropriate for listeners, does it fit within the overall scheme of the station etc. 



[嵐ファン]How does the song selection process take place? When a song is requested, do you look up the meanings of title or lyrics first, or listen to it first to narrow down your options based on the melody of the song? 


[DJ Kevin]Song selection takes place via either listener requests, my search into an artist’s catalog or direct solicitation from an artist’s record company or management. Most additions to the rotation are straightforward once I've heard a song, however, there are times when I will research the meaning of the lyrical content if the title is not in English or has questionable content. 



📻 質問に答えてくれたDJ Kevin のラジオの詳細(日本からの聴き方・リクエスト方法など)はこちらから⇩