旅にゃんこ和歌山編 ~ 世界遺産「熊野三山参り」をする旅猫たち
⛩️猫たちと世界遺産の熊野三山をめぐる旅 - World Heritage Site "3 Biggest Shrines in Kumano," Wakayama Prefecture
🏞️熊野三山とは ~ What's Kumano-Sanzan?
Kumano Sanzan is a term referring to a set of three Grand Shrines located in the outheastern part of the Kii Mountain Range: Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha and Kumano Nachi Taisha.
🌍ユネスコ「世界遺産」の登録の理由~ Why Did UNESCO Register Here as World Heritage Site?
The region’s landscape and sacred sites, are often described as possessing mysterious auras. These characteristics are said to have been influenced by their differing origins, and worship practices around the natural world. Despite these differences, that also manifest architecturally, resolutely they continue to exist harmoniously with their environments, and leave visitors markedly impressed.
On July 7, 2004, Kumano Sanzan were designated as part of World Heritage Sites as the “Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range.”
The UNESCO World Heritage Site designation states that these sites form a cultural landscape that reflect the fusion of Shintoism and Buddhism, and a persistent and well-documented tradition of sacred mountains maintained over 1200 years.
⛩️熊野本宮大社 - Kumano Hongu Taisha Grand Shrine
⛩️熊野那智宮 - Kumano Nachi Taisha Grand Shrine
だいきちを背負い、ふくちゃんを籠に入れて腕にぶら下げ、那智大社 へお参りにいきました⛰️😻石段を467段上ると那智大社に到着⛩️。標高は330メートルだそうです⛰️。約1400年前、この神社の創建当初は🏞️那智の滝の近くにあったとのこと。
😻 After we climbed up 467 stone steps, we finally saw Kumano Nachi Taisha ⛩️ 🌍 Around 1400 years ago, the shrine was originally located near Nachi Waterfall.🏞️.
🏞️那智の滝 - Nachi Falls
那智の滝 を見物しにいったときのシーンです⛰️😻落差133m、幅13m、滝壺の深さは10mで、ご存知、一段の滝としては落差日本1位の名瀑です。🏞️😸🇯🇵 滝に触れると長生きするという伝説があり、多くの観光客が滝つぼの近くまで接近しておられました。
The Nachi Falls, one of the highest waterfalls in Japan, has 133m in height and 13m in width. Because it is believed that touching the splash of the falls ensures long life, many tourists gather around the waterfall basin.
⛩️熊野速玉大社 - Kumano Hayatama Taisha Grand Shrine
The vermilion lacquered Kumano Hayatama Taisha Grand Shrine lies along the Kumano River. Daikichi and Fuku-chan looked a little tired at the end of our sacred journey 😸Good job, guys!
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