Ameba Ownd


SRK-OH 35th Anniversary, Land Donation Ceremony

2023.03.31 06:40

Ceremony attendees (from left) SRK-OH President Endo, myself, Bluffton Village Mayor, Richard Johnson, and Mr. Jerry Cupples

In early March, I attended a land donation ceremony to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of SRK-OH (Ohio, U.S.A.), the first overseas office of the Sumitomo Riko Group, during my visit to the Americas.

With the establishment of this first overseas plant as its foundation, our group has now expanded globally to more than 20 countries and has grown to hold the world's TOP market share* in the anti-vibration business.

As a token of our appreciation to our local employees and the community that has supported this growth and the company over the past 35 years, we decided to donate a portion of the SRK-OH site for use as a soccer field site for local children.

In addition to Mayor-Johnson of the local village of Bluffton, Ohio, the event was attended by approximately 20 people, including the city council president and sports officials.

Content of my Greetings

I said as below:

In 1988, our group established its first overseas office in Bluffton, Ohio, and was warmly welcomed by the local community. We are very grateful for the success we have achieved here, which has now led to our expansion to more than 20 countries around the world and the world's top share of the anti-vibration rubber market. Sumitomo Riko will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2029, and we intend to continue to work hard and remain rooted in the local community even after the 100th anniversary.

In the village of Bluffton, a soccer field is needed, and we would like to donate part of the SRK-OH land. We look forward to seeing the children who grow up on this soccer field join our company in the future.

Mayor Johnson replied with the following:

SRK-OH's past contributions to the community and the global environment through philanthropy, volunteerism, and participation in community events are commendable. These activities have been an unwavering support and have made a significant impact on our lives. On behalf of the Bluffton community, I thank you for 35 years of business and friendship. We present this plaque to you as a token of our appreciation. We wish you continued growth and success for many years into the future. Thank you also for the donation of the land for the soccer field. Bluffton Village would be happy to do anything we can to help the community. Thank you very much.

The new soccer stadium to be built on the donated land is being considered for naming after SRK-OH.

The ceremony was a major event for the community, with coverage by local newspapers and TV stations, and was reported in various media outlets the following day.

We are happy if our feelings were conveyed to the local employees.

※Surveyed by our company

Plaque received     

SRK-OH site to be turned into a soccer field