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Ocherki iz Istorii Gruzii: Priloženie k Tsirkulyaru po Upravleniyu Kavkazskim Učebnym Okrugom za 1902 god, 2-e izdanie, V. E. Romanovskij - eta istoričeskaja rabota traktuet o Gruzii, istorii, geographyy i politike kraja ot drevnejših vremen, vplot' do perehoda pod russkoe zavoevanie, kotoryj sostojalsja v 18. veke. Kniga sostoit iz pjati glav, gde tema kasalas' takih oblastej, kak geografičeskoe položenie Gruzii, ee istorija, pravitel'stvennye struktury, cerkov' i narod. Dostatočno informativnoe izloženie pokazyvaet, čto avtor znal russkuju i gruzinskuju istoriju, čtoby sformulirovat' ob'emnyj, interesnyj i podrobnyj issledovanie.V pervoj glave knigi Romanovskij proanaliziroval geografičeskoe položenie Gruzii i ee osedlennoe naselenie. On upominaet o nekotoryh postojannyh vnutrennih problemah sego naroda, a takže ob ih predpolagaemyh istoričeskih proishoždenijah. V dvuh posledujuš'ih glavah on pišet o gruzinskoj istorii, načinaja s pervonačal'nogo hristianstva v strane i obsuždaja otnošenija meždu gosudarjami i pravoslaviem. V četvertoj glave Romanovskij pišet ob upravlenii Gruzii, soobš'aja istorikam cennoe svidetel'stvo o mestnyh važnyh stolicah i administrativnyh strukturah v strane. Nakonec, v poslednej glave avtor predstavil issledovanie gruzinskogo naroda, harakterizuja ego mentalitet, obyčai i obš'estvennye otnošenija.«Ocherki iz istorii Gruzii» V. E. Romanovskogo predstavljajut soboj izrjadnoe i nagružennoe informaciej issledovanie gruzinskoj istorii, kotoroe očevidno davalo sil'nyj impul's dal'nejšim issledovanijam. Takže, hotja kniga napisana bolee sta let nazad, ona otnositsja k pozdnejšemu periodu gruzinskoj istorii, i cennye svedenija, soderžaš'iesja v etoj knige, ostajutsja važnymi dlja sovremennyh istorikov i ljubitelej Gruzii.
\"Ocherki iz istorii Gruzii\" by V. E.Romanovskij is a comprehensive historical account of Georgia from its antiquity up to the early 1900s.The author’s purpose was to provide a thorough record of the country’s history for use by the Kavkazskiy Uchebnyy Okrug, or Caucasus Educational District. The book is part of a circular on the management of this district, written in 1902.Romanovskij divides his work into six sections, beginning with an overview of the ancient cultural, political and economic history of Georgia. He then moves on to the more recent medieval, feudal and imperial periods. In these sections, he provides an in-depth description of each period, discussing its kings, rulers, churches, wars and rebellions, foreign occupations and international relations.The author also includes detailed accounts of the complex racial, religious and linguistic composition of the land. He then goes on to discuss the country’s notable achievements in the arts, literature, science and education.At the end of his work, Romanovskij concludes with an analysis of the state of the country in 1902, as well as some projections for its future. He also provides a list of primary sources used in his research, which readers can use to further explore Georgia’s past.Overall, \"Ocherki iz istorii Gruzii\" is an essential read for anyone hoping to gain a deeper understanding of Georgia’s past. With its comprehensive and detailed accounts, the book provides an invaluable resource for historians and students of the region.
Ocherki iz Istorii Gruzii. Priložhenie k Tsirkulyaru po Upravleniyu Kavkazskim Uchebnym Okrugom za 1902 god is a classic Russian historical book, written by noted historian V.E. Romanovskij. The book provides an in-depth look at the history of Georgia, from its earliest days to the beginning of the twentieth century. The book contains detailed accounts of the political, economic, and cultural developments in Georgia throughout that time. It covers topics such as the emergence of the Georgian kingdom, the development of its political structure, the wars and invasions that various foreign conquerors inflicted on it, the growth of its trade, the impact of its religious beliefs, and the gradual increase in its cultural sophistication. In addition, the book provides insights into the various ethnic and regional divisions that shaped the development of the Georgian state. It also examines how the Georgian kingdom was drawn into the complex network of political and economic ties connecting other parts of the world. Overall, Ocherki iz Istorii Gruzii is a comprehensive, informative, and comprehensive account of the formation of the Georgian kingdom, and its development through the early part of the twentieth century. It provides valuable insights into Georgian history as well as about the events that shaped the nation and its development. As such, it is an important resource for anyone interested in the history of Georgia.