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E-book download ROBERT E. LAMB (E-BOOK/EPUB/PDF).

2023.04.03 20:36




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BIOKHIMICHESKIE MEKHANIZMY AUTOPLASTIKI DEFEKTOV NIZHNEY CHELYUSTI - NAGIEV E. R. – eto kniga specializirovannogo uchebnogo i nauchnogo haraktera, napisannaya E.R. Nagievym. Ona posvyashchena issledovaniyam mekhanizmov avtopleksii defektov nizhnikh chelyustey i soputstvuyushchikh patologiy. Avtor isklyuchaet nablyudeniya i funktsionalnye ispytaniya iz issledovaniya, osnovannogo iskluchitelno na printsipakh biohimii. Kniga baziruetsya na ideyakh bioenergetiki, kotorye poluchili svoi nastoyashchie issledovaniya v polom Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta.Kniga prodayet printsipy avtopleksii, kotorye napravleny na uskorenie protsesa regeneratsii i obespechivayut ratsionalnye i effektivnye priemy v redkikh sluchayakh, kogda net dostupa k traditsionnym metodam lecheniya. Avtor specialno issleduet mekhanizmy, kotorye mogut privodyat k fiziologicheskim izmeneniyam i protsessam v kostnom tkaney, i predlagaet sovmestimye tekhnologii eliminatsii defektov, v tom chisle metody hyshego funktsionalnogo obnovleniya, obucheniya i signalizatsii. Kniga takzhe obschaya obzor noveyshikh issledovaniy v oblasti biohimii, terapevticheskikh rastvorov i bezopasnykh etalonov lecheniya i opisanie primerennykh metodov primeneniya lekarstv i pokazaniyakh dlya privlecheniya farmakologicheskikh sredstv. E.R. Nagiev otvergaet sushchestvovavshie predstavleniya o proiskhozhdenii defektov nizhnikh chelyustey i proizvodit obzor issledovanii po printcipam biohimii molecularnogo urovnya.Kniga osnovana na dannykh tsivilizovannogo obshchestva, chto pozvolyaet chitatelyu poluchit bolee glubokoe predstavlenie ob issledovannykh v ney printsipakh. Ona takzhe soderzhit bogaty obzor literature v etoy oblasti i predlagayet sounichennye printsipy vyvoda vyvodov. V rezultate, kak klinicheskogo issledovatelya i lechebnogo sostoyaniya defektov nizhnikh chelyustey, kniga eto mozhet byt polezna dlya lyubogo issledovatelya, nahodyashchegosya v eto polnoy otvetstvennosti pered Fyodorovskim nauchnym obshchestvom. Kniga «Biohimicheskie mekhanizmy autoplasticheskikh defektov nizhney chelyusti», napisannaya E. R. Nagievym, znachitel'no izmenila predstavleniya o kollagene, proteinakh, ditsikholevmononiin, sinergii avtokolagenadnoi sistemy i predstaviteli normal'noi fiziologii chelyustno-licevogo otnosheniya. Kniga posvyashchena fundamental'nym mekhanizmam autoplasticheskikh defektov nizhney chelyusti. Avtor issleduet biokhimicheskie mekhanizmy, ktoromu podvergaetsya molekulyarnyi kollagen. On rassmatrivaet posledovatel'nye zaversheniya processov kollageneza, vkhodyashchie v sostav autoplasticheskikh defektov.Kniga razdelyaet rabotu na tri glavnykh chasticy. Pervye dva razdela posvyashcheny mekhanizmam autoplasticheskoi obrabotki kollagena. V etom razdele privodyatsya takie kluchevye postulaty, kak sinergii avtokolagenadnoi sistemy, defektantnye vzaimodeistviya i avtoreguliruyushchie processy v kollagene. Poslednii razdel prednaznachen dlya razrabotki konkretnykh modeli autoplasticheskoi obrabotki kollagena, a takzhe izucheniya distsikholevmononii, reguliruyushchei rol' khronicheskoi limitrofiki, vozdeistviya gipoksii i giperoksiei, vozmozhnoi funktsii kompleksnoi sistemy DNA-RNA. Krome togo, avtor obyasnyaet, kakie biohimicheskie mekhanizmy sushestvenno vlityat v poyavlenie autoplasticheskikh defektov nizhney chelyusti.Kniga yavlyaetsya odnim iz pervykh issledovanii, ob'yasnyayushchim biokhimicheskie mekhanizmy, lezhashchie v osnove autoplasticheskoi obrabotki kollagena. Ona soderzhit interesnye i novye idei, pozvolya Robert E. Glover's book No More Mr. Nice Guy! A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex, and Life was first published in 2003 and has since inspired countless people in their own personal journeys to self-improvement. In this book, Glover outlines a step-by-step process designed to help readers rid themselves of unhealthy behavior and thought patterns that are preventing them from living the life they desire. He helps the reader to identify and eliminate those behaviors and acquire new, healthier behaviors in their place that will work to drive the reader towards their personal goals.No More Mr. Nice Guy! is divided into three parts. The first part contains an analysis of the \"Nice Guy Syndrome,\" an under-explored, typically male phenomenon in which men gain approval from others by sacrificing their own self needs, feelings, and desires. The second part contains strategies to help the reader identify and change these behavior patterns, and the third part covers the essential life skills needed to maintain the desired healthy lifestyle changes.The book has been met with almost universal acclaim and is viewed as a must read for any man looking to make lasting changes in their life. Glover's method is easy to follow, highly relatable and backed by his experience as a counselor. Robert E. Glover's book No More Mr. Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex and Life dives deeply into the many issues experienced by a 'Nice Guy'. These issues can be related to relationships, career endeavors and social lives. The book also shines a light on patterns of behavior that individuals with this mindset often exhibit, such as avoiding conflict and emotional expression, accommodating others to an excessive amount, and holding an attitude of overall compliance. Glover's work outlines the benefits of transitioning away from this 'Nice Guy' mindset. Throughout the book, Glover offers practical steps which can be taken to simplify and begin to navigate away from accepting the harsh realities of the 'Nice Guy' syndrome. One of the prominent points of No More Mr. Nice Guy is the thought process which takes place when individuals first learn their socially-conditioned roles. According to Glover, individuals can become compliant to the outward expectations due to blatant acceptance of their respective societal roles without consideration to the results of such behavior. The tactics and thought process recommended within the book are based on more than two decades worth of research, experience and introspection. Robert E. Glover's No More Mr. Nice Guy details how to discover the path which leads to a successful, empowered and fulfilled life. This achievement is one which transcends relational troubles and manifests itself across an assortment of different areas.