
2016年度 東京都立大学 都市教養学部 第2問 和文英訳 解答例

2023.04.04 23:30




 I am intensely envious of the weightless astronauts. (1)彼らは水の中の魚のように,宇宙船のなかをやすやすと動き回る。 They converse naturally among themselves, one of them "head up" and the other "head down." It seems that man adjusts to the absence of weight. (2)しかし長い進化の歴史において,我々は一度もそのような無重力状態で生活したことはないのである。


(1) They move around in the spaceship as smoothly as fish swim in the water.

 / They move around in their spaceship with ease as if they were fish in the water.

(2) But we have never lived in such a state of zero gravity in the long history of evolution.

 / However, throughout the long history of evolution, we have never experienced life under such weightless conditions.