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E-book download E‡A–°A‰“A¼€Cš„E—¨ - JIUZHEN JIANG (E-BOOK/EPUB/PDF).

2023.04.04 03:47



📘E‡A–°A‰“A¼€Cš„E—¨ - JIUZHEN JIANG📘

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📖Book Descriptions:📖

Book ECGs Made Easy - Text & Pocket Reference Package - Pageburst E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Cards) by Barbara J. Aehlert is an essential resource for medical professionals to reference when treating patients with ECG issues. The text offers readers a comprehensive, portable guide to electrocardiography and its various purposes, techniques, and interpretation. Its interactive format makes the reference easy to navigate, with the text and Pocket Reference seamlessly connected. The text covers topics such as using the 12 lead ECG, rhythm recognition and interpretation, cardiac chamber enlargements, and drug, electrolyte, and pacemaker effects on the ECG. It also includes clinical case studies with multiple-choice questions and practical demonstrations of how to prepare and interpret ECGs. Step-by-step instructions and color photos and illustrations provide guidance for each step, making this an ideal resource for students and professionals. The package is designed for use in the classroom and at the workplace, with the Pageburst E-Book on VitalSource providing instant access to the entire text and Pocket Reference. The system’s search features allow readers to quickly find what they’re looking for, while the quick-reference tabs make it even easier to access topics of interest quickly. With Book ECGs Made Easy - Text & Pocket Reference Package - Pageburst E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Cards), learners can stay up to date with new trends in electrocardiography, while gaining practical experience and skills along the way. \"ECGs Made Easy - Text & Pocket Reference Package\" is a comprehensive learning resource, written by Barbara J. Aehlert that teaches readers how to quickly and accurately interpret electrocardiograms (ECGs). The comprehensive package consists of two books; an E-book on VitalSource Retail Access Card and a pocket reference. The E-book focuses on providing readers with an in-depth learning experience of the basics and more advanced ECG topics. The learning resource is filled with images and illustrations, along with easy-to-understand text that walks readers through how to recognize different ECG patterns. Topics such as cardiovascular anatomy, electrophysiology principles, recognition of electrocardiographic pattern, arrhythmias and other clinical information are discussed. The E-book features key points, learning objectives, clinical notes and review questions that readers can answer at the end of each chapter to assess their understanding of the material. The pocket reference book provides readers with access to a quick and easy reference. It covers topics such as ECG interpretation, pacemakers, atrial fibrillation, bradycardia and suppression therapies, among many other ECG-related topics. It is based on the information in the E-book, but provides readers with a more concise version with straightforward tables and rhythms. Overall, \"ECGs Made Easy – Text & Pocket Reference Package\" is a great resource for anyone interested in learning how to interpret ECGs. It provides readers with an in-depth and concise look when interpreting different ECG patterns. With both an E-book and pocket reference, readers are sure to learn a great deal about ECG interpretation from this amazing learning resource. ECGs Made Easy - Text & Pocket Reference Package - Pageburst E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Cards) by Barbara J. Aehlert is an invaluable resource for healthcare professionals seeking to learn the basics of electrocardiography. This accessible guide helps healthcare providers both diagnose and manage cardiac arrhythmias and a wide range of cardiovascular disease.The text and pocket reference package, an integrated package consisting of both a text and a pocket reference sold together as one item, gives an in-depth review of ECG interpretation and clinical application of ECGs. It provides a comprehensive and practical overview of ECG fundamentals and details important concepts such as cardiac anatomy, physiology, and ECG lead systems.The pageburst e-book on VitalSource (Retail Access Cards) provide an enhanced learning experience, allowing users to read, zoom, search and interact with embedded figures within the text. The retail access cards provide a 12-month electronic access to the book, making learning easy and efficient.This pocket reference and text package is an essential tool for any healthcare professional looking to become more proficient in electromechanical diagnosis and treatment. With its straightforward approach and detailed illustrations, it is a perfect starting point for those already familiar with the topic and those looking to learn more about the clinical application of ECGs. It also serves as a useful refresher course for those returning to their practices and those encountering unfamiliar arrhythmias. Ultimately, ECGs Made Easy – Text & Pocket Reference Package – Pageburst E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card) is a must-have reference for anyone in the healthcare field.