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2023.04.04 03:55




Download Link : [Downlload Now] ROBERT E. KRAMEK

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📖Book Descriptions:📖

God’s Not About Warm Fuzzies: Biblical Truths On Our Life In Christ, is a book written by Clyde E. Miller. As a pastor, Miller has collected his years of experience, extracting and simplifying biblical truths to explore in-depth what living the Christian life should be. Christianity is not, as Miller states, “a get-what-you-want-spiritual-religion,” but one characterized by “a rich awareness of, and embrace of an eternal plan in God.” Instead of the often promised “warm fuzzy feelings,” Miller declares that the Christian life actually entails actively participating in the ”warfare of faith.”Miller ensures nothing is off limits by bringing clarity to the paradoxical seeming nature of a Chrsitian life. He breaks up any confusion by giving practical explanations of how to practically grow in faith and trust in God’s plan. The chapters explore topics such as “What God has for You,” “Why Some Things Don’t Happen to You,” “The Role of Suffering in a Godly Life,” and “How To Gain Victory in Personal Conflict.” By doing this he offers up a spiritual definition of success that goes beyond physical achievements and goals, instead teaching that success is found in allowing God to make necessary changes to our lives. God’s Not About Warm Fuzzies serves as a wake up call to challenge readers spiritually, encouraging them to give up selfish desires and worldly temptations, while investing trust in God’s larger plan. Miller’s inspirational words offer more than “warm fuzzies” but rather a pathway to a discipleship that leads to God’s ultimate purpose. In God’s Not About Warm Fuzzies: Biblical Truths on Our Life in Christ, author Clyde E. Miller offers an in-depth examination of a range of topics concerning Christianity and the ways in which our faith intersects with our daily lives. Through careful Biblical examination, Miller delves into a broad range of topics, from obedience, discipline, and holiness, to missionary service, suffering, and glory.He begins the book by beginning with the acceptance of Christ as our Lord and Savior and explores how genuine commitment to Him brings about life-changing results. He emphasizes faith and obedience, while at the same time discussing the beauties of gratitude, humility, and service. Miller presents an honest and clarifying systematic look at doctrines and teachings that have shaped Christianity since its inception.God’s Not About Warm Fuzzies is a valuable read for Christians of any stripe. Miller includes the tools needed to deepen the reader’s understanding of the truths of the Bible and the power of Christ's work in our lives. Through faith and obedience, the reader learns to live a life of love and glory through tangible truths, opening their eyes to the beauty of God's truth and grace. This accessible book offers a guide for living by biblical principles and demonstrates the impact of a life dedicated to Christ. God’s Not About Warm Fuzzies: Biblical Truths on our Life in Christ by Clyde E. Miller is a book that draws upon Scripture to answer difficult questions about how Christians are to live out their faith showing readers how to live in accordance with biblical truth. Miller reminds readers that God is about holiness, not warm and fuzzy feelings, and he looks at topics such as relationships, parenting, worship, and suffering from a biblical perspective. He dissects verses from the Bible and pushes readers to look at them from a Christian perspective, urging them to see that the Bible is designed to measure our lives, not to give us emotional gratification or a warm fuzzy feeling. The book centers around the idea that sometimes you have to face the truth of God’s word instead of basking in a moment of warmth. Miller writes just as much about practical applications of teachings like holiness, love, and discipline as he does about how God’s word reshapes how we view our faith. In uncovering what God’s not about, Miller dives into topics like submission, heritage, and living a faithful life. Everything he addresses is done with a sense of care while every topic carries an urgency that urges readers to take action.Ultimately, God's Not About Warm Fuzzies is a God-centered resource that examines some of the biggest sins of the 21st century. It is an insightful tale of Christ-centered transformation and does not provide easy answers. Instead, Miller offers the challenge of walking in obedience to the Lord, and he pushes readers to move away from the idea of having a feel-good faith. He delves deep into Scripture and shows readers how they can apply it to their own lives, thus illuminating the true power of obedience to Christ.