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[PDF] Soundwalking: Through Time, Space, and Technologies by Jacek Smolicki, Jacek Smolicki

2023.04.09 08:08

Soundwalking: Through Time, Space, and Technologies by Jacek Smolicki, Jacek Smolicki

Download Ebooks for ipad Soundwalking: Through Time, Space, and Technologies by Jacek Smolicki, Jacek Smolicki (English Edition) ePub DJVU

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Download Soundwalking: Through Time, Space, and Technologies

Download Ebooks for ipad Soundwalking: Through Time, Space, and Technologies by Jacek Smolicki, Jacek Smolicki (English Edition) ePub DJVU

Soundwalking brings together a diverse group of contemporary scholars, artists and thinkers in one of the first comprehensive studies of soundwalking – the practice of moving through space while carefully listening to what it has to say – to address urgent challenges and concerns of an environmental, ethical, social and technological nature. Besides gaining insight into the historical development of soundwalking as a scholarly method and artistic genre, the reader will have a chance to learn from emerging voices concerned with this practice, of many different backgrounds and positionalities. Soundwalking demonstrates how attentive listening and walking might help with more careful and responsible navigation through the complex dimensions of our shared environments and entangled histories, often imperceptible on a day-to-day basis. The book encourages scholars, artists, and also those unfamiliar with the concept, to engage with it in their respective fields and subjects of interest as an interdisciplinary method of critical inquiry and a creative mode of communication. This book inspires readers to discover anew the potential of walking and listening, and will be of interest to students, researchers and practitioners in the areas of studies directly concerned with sound and beyond, including environmental humanities, arts, design, landscape architecture, media, and cultural studies. Chapter 10 of this book is available for free in PDF format as Open Access from the individual product page at It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

'Soundwalk': An embodied auditory - IOS Press Ebooks
representing and communicating meaning in relation to space and consequently to emergent artistic practices. At the same time, the emerging field of urban.
Soundwalking: Through Time, Space, and Technologies
This book inspires readers to discover anew the potential of walking and listening, and will be of interest to students, researchers and practitioners in the 
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the soundscape, as well as to shape the path of the soundwalker through the create possibilities for changes of perspective through the space.
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Frauke Behrendt at Eindhoven University of Technology This chapter discusses how over time, soundwalks have been considered and used by 
Soundwalking : Through Time, Space, and Technologies
Book Depository is the world's most international online bookstore offering over 20 million books with free delivery worldwide.
Soundwalking : Through Time, Space, and Technologies
Book Depository is the world's most international online bookstore offering over 20 million books with free delivery worldwide.
Soundwalking : Through Time, Space, and Technologies
Soundwalking : Through Time, Space, and Technologies ; Edited by Jacek Smolicki ; Description. - One of the first titles to be published on the state-of-the-art 
Writings by | Hildegard Westerkamp
Sustainable Soundwalking - Passing on and relaying acoustic Movement through time and space is arguably our most fundamental mode of 
Soundwalking : Through Time, Space, and Technologies
Soundwalking : Through Time, Space, and Technologies ; Edited by Jacek Smolicki ; Description. - One of the first titles to be published on the state-of-the-art 
Walking Festival of Sound (@walking_sound) / Twitter
A transdisciplinary event exploring the role of walking through and listening to our everyday Soundwalking: Through Time, Space, and Technologies.
Soundwalking: Through Time, Space, and Technologies
One of the first titles to be published on the state-of-the-art of Soundwalking as a practice - This book offers a unique, interdisciplinary approach which 

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