国際大会視察実施のお知らせ/Announcement for visiting international tournament

2018.05.26 12:58

 NO BORDERZ BASEBALLではこの度、代表の田中他スタッフ1名の計2名を国際大会視察を目的として、海外に派遣することを決定いたしました。

 今回の渡航先はオランダ・ロッテルダム。派遣期間は6/4から6/14までの10日間で、期間中は6/6から6/10まで「ネプチューンズ・ファミリースタディオン(Neptunus Familie Stadion)」他1会場にて開催されるクラブの国際大会「ヨーロッパチャンピオンズカップ」の視察や、今後の事業展開を念頭に各球団との商談等を実施する予定です。



 今回は2016年の団体設立後初めての欧州行きとなります。帰国後には報告イベント等の開催も検討しておりますので、どうぞご期待ください。今後ともNO BORDERZ BASEBALLへの温かいご支援のほど、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。

 We NO BORDERZ BASEBALL has officially decided to send two staffs including President Ryota Tanaka for it's very first international inspection.

 Our staffs will visit the modern city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands from June 4th to 14th. Our main purpose is to visit the "European Champions Cup" which will take place from 6th to 10th at Neptunus Familiestadion. Opportunity for business talks regarding the upcoming projects will be settled as well.

 Additionally, we are fortunately awarded the right to enter the stadium as a press, thanks to the kind support of Curacao Neptunus Rotterdam, the host club of the whole tournament. We are going to have some interview on and off the field, and going to write some columns and reports in both Japanese and English. We are giving our biggest appreciation to Neptunus and Mr Michel Streur, their spokesperson to achieve this opportunity.

 European Champions Cup should be called "the best thing that European club baseball can offer," which is played by the current champions and finalists of the best European club competitions. This year, 8 clubs will compete for the title; 2 each from the Netherlands and Italy, and 1 each from Germany, France, Czech republic and San Marino. The San Marinese representative T&A San Marino Titans are taking part in Italian competition. You can refer to the official website of the tournament to see the schedule, result and participating players etc.

 This is the very first time for us to visit Europe since our foundation in 2016. After coming back to Japan, we are also planning about holding an event to report and share the result as well. We are really appreciating for your kind and continuous support to NO BORDERZ BASEBALL. Thank you.