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2023.04.26 13:33

TMODはYさんの英語クイズで始まりました。dog を難しい言葉で表現するとcanine ですが、cat, bird, rat, cow と問われてもcanine, avian, rodent, bovine が咄嗟に出てきません。難問でした。

今日の言葉はhilarious でした。例会は和気藹々でlarious な雰囲気 でした。


準備スピーチはDivision Contest でスピーチをするMさんでした。何度も推敲と練習を重ねているので素晴らしいスピーチです。


Chofu Free Flight Meeting 112 started with Toastmaster Y's English quiz. Canine is a difficult word for dog, but canine, avian, rodent, and bovine does not come to mind when asked about cat, bird, rat, and cow. It was a conundrum.

Today's word of the day was hilarious. The meeting had a friendly and hilarious atmosphere.

Among the table topics, Toastmaster Y, who has visited more than 100 countries, gave a speech at the United Nations and Toastmaster. E introduced how to eat delicious meat dishes. She won the best table topic award.

The preparation speech was by Toastmaster M, who will give a speech at the Division Contest. It's a great speech because it's been tweaked and practiced many times.

In the evaluation, all members expressed their impressions and points for improvement. You can expect she will win prizes in competition.