Ayako Yamanaka Works/山中綾子

「1/7 nagative print」

2023.04.30 11:06



 「自分を含めて人が嫌い・人が怖い」という気持ちがきれいさっぱり消えたわけではありません。その感情に呑まれてしまうことも度々あり、コントロールしきれているとはお世辞にも言い難いものでした。それでも5年前よりは自分と他者との境界線が、うすらぼんやりと見え始めて、私は何となく目の前が明るくなったように感じました。 また5年前では技法的に出来なかった表現や、新たなモチーフも加えて、今度は祈りのような静謐さではなくもっと強い「願い」として焼きなおしてみたいと思い、再度6連作という形をとりました。


It's been 5 years since I drew 1/7 of a series of 6 works as my graduation work.

 It was a feeling similar to a clinging prayer, "I want to love someone, a human being." Five years have passed since then.

 The feeling of “I hate people, including myself, and I am afraid of people” has not completely disappeared. There were times when I was overwhelmed by those emotions, and it was hard to say that I was completely in control. However, since 5 years ago, I have started to see the boundaries between myself and others, and somehow I feel that the world has become brighter. In addition, I added new motifs and expressions that were technically impossible five years ago, and this time I would like to recreate it as a stronger "wish" instead of the tranquility of a prayer, so I took the form of six consecutive works again. I was. I would like to give names to these feelings and confront them by replaying them over and over again through the screen.