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Weasels in the Attic by Hiroko Oyamada, David Boyd, Hiroko Oyamada, David Boyd on Ipad

2023.05.07 14:45

Weasels in the Attic by Hiroko Oyamada, David Boyd, Hiroko Oyamada, David Boyd

Download textbooks to nook color Weasels in the Attic by Hiroko Oyamada, David Boyd, Hiroko Oyamada, David Boyd

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Weasels in the Attic

Download textbooks to nook color Weasels in the Attic by Hiroko Oyamada, David Boyd, Hiroko Oyamada, David Boyd

From the acclaimed author of The Hole and The Factory, a thrilling and mysterious novel that explores fertility, masculinity, and marriage in contemporary JapanIn three interconnected scenes, Hiroko Oyamada revisits the same set of characters at different junctures in their lives. In the back room of a pet store full of rare and exotic fish, old friends discuss dried shrimp and a strange new relationship. A couple who recently moved into a rustic home in the mountains discovers an unsettling solution to their weasel infestation. And a dinner party during a blizzard leads to a night in a room filled with aquariums and unpleasant dreams. Like Oyamada’s previous novels, Weasels in the Attic sets its sights on the overlooked aspects of contemporary Japanese society, and does so with a surreal sensibility that is entirely her own.

Weasels in the attic / Oyamada, Hiroko
Weasels in the attic (2022)by Oyamada, Hiroko. Place Hold. Add to List. Total Holds: 0. Total Check Outs: 0. Summary. In these three interconnected stories, 
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Weasels in the Attic ペーパーバック – 2022/10/4 - アマゾン
Amazon配送商品ならWeasels in the Atticが通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。Oyamada, Hiroko, Boyd, David作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届け 
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And a dinner party during a blizzard leads to a night in a room filled with aquariums and unpleasant dreams. Like Oyamada's previous novels, Weasels in the 
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