Ameba Ownd


Amber Heard's Ownd

Stop Distracted Driving in its Tracks With These Handy Tips-FDAzar

2023.05.10 06:42

With all of the incredible advances in technology that we’ve seen over the past few decades, we’re able to live our lives with much more ease and convenience than people could have even dreamed of just 50 years ago! Innovations like streaming video networks, satellite radio, and mobile apps designed to help with dining, shopping, and more put virtually anything we want at our fingertips via our ubiquitous smartphones and other mobile devices.

But there’s a downside to all of this convenience: it’s easy to become distracted by what’s on the screen and forget to pay attention to what’s going on in real life! This can be especially dangerous- even deadly- if you happen to be driving your car or motorcycle while trying to sneak a peek on your smartphone. In fact, according to data released in April 2020 by the NHTSA, 3,142 people were killed by distracted drivers in 2019 alone.

If you want to save your life and the lives of those around you, it’s important that you know how to keep yourself from becoming tempted by distractions when driving. Your Denver motorcycle accident attorney has these tips for you to keep those bad habits at bay...and keep your eyes on the road!

Create a “No Phone Zone”

If you are too easily distracted by incoming calls and texts on your smartphone, keep it in a place where you can’t access it while driving, such as your glove compartment. Not having your smartphone within arm’s reach will lessen your dependence on checking it while you’re driving, yet you’ll still have your phone with you in case of true emergencies on the road.

Cut Out In-Car Dining

Mobile devices are only one kind of driving distraction that can endanger your life. Did you know that a staggering 80% of all auto accidents are caused by eating while driving? If you can imagine all of the potential spills, fumbles, and other distracting things that can potentially happen while eating, you’ll see why. Make your car a no-eating space- this will not only cut down on the amount of distracted driving you’re doing but also help keep your upholstery a whole lot cleaner!

Don’t Drive Sleepy

If you’re vacationing on a road trip, or have a job that requires you to drive long distances cross-country, it can be tempting to try to make some time by driving into the night. However, trying to pull an all-nighter can be extremely risky for you, your passengers, and the people who are sharing the road with you. Always make sure to pull over and get some sleep, either at a hotel or motel or a designated rest stop, or hatch a plan with other of-age passengers who can take over driving at intervals while you snooze in the car.

Remember- you have the power to stop distracted driving in its tracks and form safer habits when you’re behind the wheel!