2018.05.24 15:00



In this piece, four artists – two visual artists, a dancer and a musician – perform as "living modules" that interact with each other in such a way that the genres co-exist seamlessly. The moving bodies continuously draw vectors in space, sometimes intersecting beautifully, sometimes clashing and falling out of synchrony. Accepting both freedom and inconvenience, they move towards the next intersection without knowing if they have a destination. By thus groping for a balance that lies beyond thought,they organically link the time that flows within the work.

日時|Date & Time

5/25 fri 19:30-

5/26 sat 19:30- ★After talk & party

5/27 sun 18:00-

*開場は開演の30 分前 Doors open 30 minutes before the performance

*上演時間:60 分 Duration:60min


Yōkai SOHO





Kazuhiro Onishi/ Fumi Takenouchi / Asuka Okajima / Kosuke Nakao


大西一裕|Kazuhiro ONISHI


Kazuhiro Onishi is a visual artist. His work focuses on spatiality and the situations and relationsthat emerge from it. He uses various media to create three-dimensional objects that fetishize the materials from which they are composed. His aim in this series of works is to interfere with structure and to disrupt the space that comes from noise.

竹之内 芙美|Fumi TAKENOUCHI


Architect/ Dancer/ Visual Artist. Based on architectural thinking, Fumi Takenouchi’s work draws linesof force within the space lurking in everyday situations. Her media include architecture, dance, video, sound, material art and drawing, and her work has been performed and presented in Japan, the USA, France and Germany. She received her Master's degree from the Graduate School of Architecture of Tokyo University of the Arts.

岡島飛鳥|Asuka OKAJIMA


Asuka Okajima is a visual artist who tries to find new linkages between things throughout a wide rangeof formats (such as installation, drawing, art book and video) while moving back and forth betweenlanguage and image. He is based in Tokyo, Prague and Kyoto.

中尾幸介|Kosuke NAKAO

タブラ奏者。2007年よりコルカタにて、タブラ奏者ビプロップ・バッタチャリヤ氏から学び始める。日本とインドを行き来しながら、インド古典音楽をはじめ様々なジャンルのアーティストとの共演を重ねる。2016年パーカッションデュオpaon を結成し、2 枚のCD 「rickshaw 」, 「Pedogenesis 」をリリース。http://www.kosukenakao.com

Kosuke Nakao plays the tabla, a small drum originally from India. In 2007, he began studying the tabla under Biplab Bhattacharriya in Kolkata. While moving between Japan and India, he has been collaborating with artists in various music genres, including Indian classical music. In 2016 he co-founded the percussion duo “paon” and released two albums, rickshaw and Pedogenesis.

制作・テキスト|Production coordinator・Text

浜上真琴 Makoto Hamagami

© Kahoru Tachi