初めまして、11月から英訳担当としてべっぺーパーに入った岡田東子です! 自分で記事を書くのはこれが初めてなので慣れてないのですがよろしくお願いします。
Hello! I’m a new member, Toko Okada! Nice to meet you :) It’s my first time writing my own article, so I’m not used to it but… let’s just get started!
I interviewed beloved Martha-san, who is very famous (because she’s been on the newspaper before, wow)!

I’m pretty nervous about interviewing… oh well! I’ll start anyways.
Editor: So, please introduce yourself!
Martha: My name is Martha Turkett and I’m an APS student, first year. I’m from Liberia.
E: okay, thanks. Um…….. (Stuck on what to say next)………..
M: Ahahaha! Just ask me anything! Glad to answer anything!
(She laughed and supported me… oh, thank you!)

マ;えーと長くなるわよ(笑) リベリアで生まれ育って…でね、2003年に内戦が始まったの。段々激しくなっていって、まともに教育が受けられる状態じゃなくなったから、家族を置いて私だけガーナに行くことになった。親戚もいたし、そっちの方で勉強続ければ良いと思ったから。でも逃げた先で…暴行されて、足がこうなっちゃったの…。生まれつき車いすじゃないのよ。で、リベリアの内戦が収まって、家に帰ったんだけど、車いすも慣れてないし、日本みたいに道路も建物もインフラが整ってないからどこにも行けなくて…ずっと家にいたわ。その時はもう私の人生終わった、って考えちゃってた。
E: So can you tell me about your life story?
M: Oh… It’ll be long but. I was born in Liberia, and then in 2003, the war started within the country. It gradually got worse and so I left my family to go to Ghana to continue my education. I had my relatives there too, so. But then… soon later, I was assaulted… You know, I wasn’t born like this. I had to live my life with wheel chair. So then I got back to Liberia because the civil war got better, but I’m not used to wheelchair. And Liberia doesn’t have good infrastructure like in Japan, so I stayed at my home for a very long time… I felt like my life ended there.
She smiles and laughs very cutely now, but there were lots of hardships that she had gone through to get this far…
M: So in order to treat the bottom of my body, I went to the hospital. There, I met Tomoko san who worked in the UN. So UN people, their term of work is just 6 months. I was really close to the person who worked before Tomoko, so I was pretty depressed. But then, Tomoko just got into me very quickly! I don’t know what, but I felt the strong bond between us. Three months passed, and Tomoko had to go back to Japan for her relative’s health problem. Soon later, I was terminated from the hospital. It wasn’t because I was cured. It was because my treatment took long and there were no space in the hospital. They had to take in many people. So I told about it to Tomoko and she said, “ Come to Japan.”
Wow, very strong bond between you two! Only few months and she treats you like that, wow, I respect Tomoko-san very much. But not only that, Martha does have something that pulls everyone into her! Just twenty-or-so minutes of talk, and now I’m very interested and pulled to her.
M: Tomoko came back to Liberia for me, and she did every paper work that was necessary for me to go to Japan. In 2006, my trip to Japan was finally set. It took two years for the treatment.
E: Wow, two years in Japan? How was your family’s reaction?
M: Well I missed them, and my parents missed me too. But then they trusted Tomoko and they said that’s the best for me too. Now, there’s Skype too! I kept contacting them. And so Tomoko took every care for me. I went to the hospital’s school, but Japanese was hard, and so… Without Tomoko, anything wouldn’t have been possible.
E: Wow, Tomoko-san is very very generous! So Martha, you went back to Liberia after two years?
M: Yeah, I haven’t graduated junior high, so I went all over again. Then, when it was time to choose university, I had no choice. Because universities in Liberia and other places were not barrier-free. So I asked Tomoko’s advice. She looked all over for me and then she said her friend used to work at APU, so she told me about it.
E: Wow, Tomoko-san is influencing every important life-decisions in your life. How wonderful, your strong relationship!
M: Yeah, I couldn’t have done any of this without her. So here I am! I put all my effort to study. Like Workshop, it’s fun, but it’s very time-consuming! My favorite class is Mr. Rothman’s Intro to International Relations. It’s close to what I want to do in the future, so I sit in the front, and with that little Clicker, I’m trying my best!! Ahahahaha
Very eager to learn, and very bright. That was my impression.
E: Oh by the way, how do you go shopping?
M: Ah. By bus. I tell the House Office and tell them when I want to go shopping. So they organize and contact Oita Kotsu and send me the Non-step bus for wheelchair. Office does everything for me and they’re very supportive!
E: Is there anything that APU or other people can improve?
M: Umm…. You know, Japan has very good infra and I don’t know… Well, I’ll think about it! Ahahaha
Oh, good job APU! Ahaha I was worried, “what if she gave me all the lists what to fix!?!” But, I guess it’s pretty good. I’m relieved.
M: And people are very nice too! People always tell me, “if you need anything just tell me, I’ll support you!” and people just remember my name very fast. I forget theirs. Ahaha, people says hi to me all the time, but I often can’t remember their names. I brightly say “Hi” back though. Ahhaha
So yeah, it was a very nice interview. I now get why there’s always people around her! She has a nice smile that brightens up everyone, and she was very benevolent to me. I bet she’s like that to everyone!
It was just a short time, like half an hour of interview, but thank you for sharing your story, Martha!