Ikebana International Detroit Chapter 85
In this calm and peaceful spring sun, the flowers are falling without calm mind.
In the warmth of the su on a tranquil spring day, how is it that the blossoms scatter in a rushed way.
On this gentle sunny spring day, I wonder why only the cherry blossoms cannot stay calm, instead scattering every which way on the ground.
紀友則 男
(生没年不詳) 紀貫之の従兄弟。『古今集』撰者となるが、完成を見ずに病で没した。三十六歌仙の一人。
(Birth/death dates unknown)Cousin to Ki-no-Tsurayuki. Though he was one of the compilers of the Kokinshu waka collection, he passed away due to illness before the project could be completed. He was amongst the Thirty-Six Immortal Poets.
一陽来復: 長い冬が終わり春がやってくる。悪いことは終わり幸福が訪れる
一陽One warm good day. / 来復Come here again.
Winter has gone and spring has come again. That is after bad things.
Good times will come soon.
Good luck is now turning in our family.
Things are finally starting to look up for our family.