Ameba Ownd


The reason why people make handmade rings at itoaware's workshop🔨

2023.05.18 06:23

This is Connie in charge of customer service 😊♬

We are happy to say that many customers have booked the ring-texturing 

workshop at itoaware.

If you ask them why they chose handmade rings, they will give various answers.

For couples

❤ "We're making commemorative pair rings to celebrate our first anniversary."

  A commemorative ring is not necessarily for the first anniversary.

    If it's short, it's been a month since they started dating so they make rings to

    commemorate their one month anniversary. 

    Most couples engrave the anniversary date and their initials on the inside of the rings.

❤ Engagement ring

 " We prefer simple rings to engagement rings set with large diamonds so we came to

     make rings for both of us."

  Some people say that they want to wear it all the time after marriage stacked with their 

    wedding rings.

❤ Pair rings for a long-distance relationship.

  "Currently, we live in different cities, and  my partner came to Osaka to see me so we

    came to make pair rings."

  There are couples who come to make pair rings because one of them will be transferred

    far away because of their job.

 Even if you are far away, you can feel each other's presence and warmth by wearing 

    the ring.

  This is one of the reasons why long-distance relationship pair rings are so popular.

❤ As a present 

     "As it's my girlfriend's birthday today, we came to make rings as her birthday present"

 For family

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Make rings for your parents

  If you bring children with you, they may use a hammer to texture the rings for their 


  If the child is small, the parents will help the child hammer in the texture..

🧒 Make your child's ring

  Parents or only the mother visit us with their child to make their child's ring.

  For younger children, help your child with the hammer to texture the ring.

 If the child is of elementary school age, they could make it themselves.

👶 Baby ring

  Parents can visit the shop with their baby and have a ring made to fit the baby's  finger.

    The ring can also be made a little larger so that the mother can wear it as a pendant 

    until the child grows up.  

👧 For groups

💍 Friendship ring

  Friendship rings can be made for 4-5 male or female college or high school students          as a symbol of  their friendship.

  You can enjoy the ring-texturing workshop while merrily chatting away..

💍 2 or 3 couples come together and have a great time.

  Since they are all friends, they come to enjoy the workshop together.

Would you like to make wonderful original rings at our workshop?

Reservation can be made at Jalan's reservation site

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We are looking forward to seeing you all.

* If you prefer to have the workshop conducted in English, please let us know when you make a reservation so that we can check if our English-speaking staff will be available on the date of your reservation.