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PDF EPUB Download A Little Book of Coincidence:

2023.05.27 00:08

A Little Book of Coincidence: In The Solar System by John Martineau, John Martineau

Ebooks doc download A Little Book of Coincidence: In The Solar System CHM PDB by John Martineau, John Martineau 9781952178061 (English literature)

Download A Little Book of Coincidence: In The Solar System PDF

A Little Book of Coincidence: In The Solar System

Ebooks doc download A Little Book of Coincidence: In The Solar System CHM PDB by John Martineau, John Martineau 9781952178061 (English literature)


Venus draws a beautiful pentagram around Earth every eight years. Jupiter's two largest moons draw a perfect four-fold flower. The Planets grandly play out the slow Music of the Spheres. Is there a secret structure hidden in the Solar System? Packed with great illustrations and serious research from many sources, this internationally bestselling pocket book by cosmologist John Martineau will instantly retune your cosmological circuits to the extraordinary and primary patterns behind Life, the Universe and Everything. WOODEN BOOKS US EDITIONS. Small books, BIG ideas. Tiny but packed with information. “Stunning" NEW YORK TIMES. "Fascinating" FINANCIAL TIMES. "Beautiful" LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS. "Rich and Artful" THE LANCET. "Genuinely mind-expanding" FORTEAN TIMES. "Excellent" NEW SCIENTIST.

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