How well do we know about other members at a Toastmasters club? Not much. That’s why it made an interesting meeting to try finding out about each other at the Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club’s 314th regular meeting, held on Saturday, May 27th.
There were only 4 members attending. The Toastmaster of the Day, TM Y asked the table topic master, TM S to prepare many topics. TM S prepared 16 topics, ranging from the most delightful gift ever received to the hardest days of the lifetime, or the most influential book of your life to the person you admire the most. The rule was for each speaker to pick the next topic and speaker. The 4 of us made 4 rounds.
Although there was no prepared speech, we finished the meeting very fulfilled as we learned a lot more about each person there.
The next meeting will be held on Saturday, June 10, 14PM at Chofu Tazukuri and online. See you there!