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Is investment from foreign companies necessary for the success of Japan's economy?
再現できるほど記憶できていないので、「こうしておけばよかったな」というrewrite versionを以下にて…
Foreign investment is clearly important for the growth of Japan's economy. Apart from accommodation to globalization and market integration, it brings technological advancements and job opportunities.
Foreign investment allows Japan to appropriate new markets, and broaden its global reach. Through strategic business alliances with foreign companies, many firms in Japan expand their consumer bases, gaining access to more lucrative global markets. This, eventually, helps increase the amount of export, encouraging cross-border interaction, as ~~~ここが因果関係弱かった…
Cutting-edge technologies and innovation are also significant factors brought about by foreign investment to Japan. Foreign companies, especially so-called "Big-Tech" in the U.S., prosper from advanced IT technologies, and many of them possess knacks and resources which can propel Japan's businesses forward. Building collaborations with those companies, various industries in Japan can be given their expertise.
Finally, Foreign investment helps offset shrinking job opportunities in Japan. Economic stagnation in Japan is well documented, and many job seekers are struggling getting a job to make a living. Foreign companies branching out in Japan, local workforce in Japan can benefit from job opportunities offered by them, which promotes Japan's economic development.
To develop economy, Japan should continue to foster internationalization, look to successful cases of global cooperations with advanced technology, and create jobs with the help of foreign investment, by doing so, Japan can certainly prosper in the future.