
水野葉舟著 歌集「滴歴」草木屋出版部, 1940
のら社同人, 北井一夫他箸「壊死する風景―三里塚農民の生とことば」のら社, 1970
水野葉舟 ー 1883-1947 明治ー昭和時代の歌人、詩人、小説家。トルストイや高村光太郎の影響により、大正13年から三里塚駒井野で半農生活に入った。
のら社 ー 写真家北井一夫が主宰する出版社。北井一夫「三里塚」、木村伊兵衛「パリ」などを出版。
"At dawn on the vast plains of Shimosa no Maki, waterfowl fill the sky."
- From "Tekireki" by Yoshu Mizuno
Built in the tumultuous Showa era, Narita International Airport has served as Japan's primary gateway for over 40 years, despite its politically troubled history. Construction of a new runway at Narita is currently underway. The acquisition of approximately 1000 ha for the project (the current airport covers 1198 ha) threatens the loss of ancient satoyama landscapes and Meiji-era reclaimed land stretching southeast of the airport.
In search of distinctive satoyama landscapes, I set out to photograph the disappearing rural villages, but it was too late; depopulation had taken its toll. Village communities had collapsed and farmland lay in ruins. From what I could gather, most of the villagers seem to be in favor of the airport expansion. I'm not against the expansion, but in an era where environmental protection is paramount, it's worth considering whether further intrusion into nature to construct massive man-made structures is justified. These landscapes, I believe, are a microcosm of our contemporary world, part of a much larger situation.
The exhibition is structured around three elements: photographs of the rural landscapes that will be lost to the new runway, field recordings made on site, and video works. The field recordings, or "phonography" as they're called in reference to the word "photography," were created as an extension of the landscape photography. The videos are included to convey the dynamics of the site that cannot be captured in still images. These three elements are combined into a sound installation to better convey the atmosphere of the site.
Yoshu Mizuno, Poetry Collection 'Tekireki', Kusakiya Publishing, 1940
Nora-sha Collective, Kazuo Kitai et al., 'Landscapes of Death - The Lives and Words of Sanrizuka Farmers', Nora-sha, 1970
Yoshu Mizuno (1883-1947) was a poet, novelist, and lyricist active during the Meiji and Showa periods. Influenced by Leo Tolstoy and Kotaro Takamura, he moved to a semi-agricultural lifestyle in Komaino, Sanrizuka from 1924.
Nora-sha is a publishing house run by photographer Kazuo Kitai, known for publishing works such as Kitai's 'Sanrizuka' and Ihei Kimura's 'Paris'.
会期 : 2023年8月8日(火) - 8月20日(日) 月曜日休廊
会場 : Totem Pole Photo Gallery
160-0004 東京都新宿区四谷四丁目22 第二富士川ビル1F
開廊時間 : 火曜~日曜 正午12時 - 午後7時
Totem Pole Photo Gallery
info@tppg.jp / https://tppg.jp / 03-3341-9341
h.sakata0116@gmail.com / https://sakataharuto.amebaownd.com / 090-6397-5487