グッズ販売契約締結のお知らせ/Announcement of merchandise sales contract

2018.06.27 11:03

 NO BORDERZ BASEBALLではこの度、フランス・ディビジョン1の昨季王者であるルーアン・ハスキーズとの間において、日本での球団グッズのライセンス生産と販売に関する契約を締結しましたのでお知らせいたします。



 今回彼らとこのような形で協働できることは、我々NO BORDERZ BASEBALLにとってこれ以上ない栄誉です。今後、この取り組みがお互いにとって素晴らしい価値をもたらすものとなるよう、精一杯取り組んでまいりたいと思います。商品ラインナップについては目下検討中ですので、続報をお楽しみに!

 We NO BORDERZ BASEBALL are proud to announce that we agreed to have a contract with Rouen Huskies, the reigning champion of French Division 1. This agreement is in terms of licensing and merchandise production/sales activity in Japan.

 The length of the contract is two years, and it could be extended under agreement of both parties. NBB will produce the club merchandise by borrowing the design and logo of Huskies, and have a sales at its own webstore. After then, some part of its profit will be payed to the club as the royalty fee. Huskies itself is now working on several activities regarding Paris Olympics 2024, and this project will be operated to support their work as well.

 Huskies, who won the French national title 13 times since 2003, should be called one of the best European baseball club. Having several French nationals like RHP Owen Ozanich and IF David Gauthier, they have won three consecutive titles since 2015. At this years "European Champions Cup" which was held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Huskies was ranked 4th as the final result.

 It's nothing but really an honour that we can work with them this time. We do hope that this voyage will bring a tremendous value to both sides. The line up is now under discussion, so stay tuned!