Ameba Ownd



2018.06.30 17:23


Meeting of the UCHUJIN CAMERA CLUB after a long absence. I visited "private coffee primary school" in Daikanyama.



It was very hot day, so I ordered an "espresso / tonic water" item.
As its name suggests, espresso is divided by tonic water. I did not like any of the carbonated and coffee type drinks that I drank so far, but it is the first time to drink this delicious! I thought. It is refreshing, but the taste of coffee is also firm, slightly sweet. I recommend it.


The UCHUJIN CAMERA CLUB meeting is a course of tea (lunch) + photo walking is the basic course.
This time, I took pictures while walking from Daikanyama to Ebisu.
Noz and risakan who liked the T shirt I was wearing on the day. Unusually I became the subject.





Two of us taking a shot of a white wall whose risakan is up in the last entry.
Mr. noz's word goes out here.

"Move 1cm!"
It was the first time I was told to move in increments of 1 cm, I moved too much and moved right :)



Two people shooting on the other side.
I do not often see pictures of myself, but since they are good photographer, they are reflected in a very nice touch and I set them as profile pictures at once!



By the way T-shirt wearing on this day was printed with the title logo of the musical work "Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat".

Made by 1968, Lloyd-Webber was the first musical with Lyricist Tim Rice, and there was a performance in Japan as well. It was made musical based on the story related to the colorful coat appearing in the Joseph story of the Old Testament and Genesis. DVD is also out, so if you are interested please come!