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【独占インタビュー】DJ IJ Wilson 🎃/Halloween Listening Party on FOTW Radio, Sydney, Australia③

2023.06.27 14:02

オーストラリア・シドニーのラジオ局『HALLOWEEN LISTENING PARTY ON FOTW RADIO』のDJ/Audio Story ProducerのIain Wilson さんにお話をうかがいました。


 ➡ PART1 ・ PART2はこちら

海外ラジオDJに質問!のコーナーより深い内容になっています。(DJ IJ Wilsonより、日本語訳[by りーちゃん for TeamARASHI]及び掲載の許諾済)  

💬 番組やラジオ局、嵐以外の音楽について


[嵐ファン]You play a lot of ARASHI songs with Japanese lyrics in your station. Does it matter if the lyrics are in English or Japanese when select songs for the playlist?


[DJ IJ Wilson]I don't really think about what language the lyrics are in, particularly for the ARASHI/J-pop time slot, as I know most of the listeners are from Japan. But just generally for the station, I'm sometimes aware of it during October, and I think it is actually good to have songs in other languages, not just English. As the interesting thing about Halloween, is that the original celebrants of Halloween spoke Gaelic, a language that is much older than English, and one day it just suddenly dawned on me hearing the Irish band Clannad, how significant this is - it's almost a completely 'foreign' sounding language to English - and this is part of the heritage of the people from the UK, too. Anyway, I like learning about languages, and listening to ARASHI and the other J-Pop songs has given me a greater awareness of Japanese.



 [嵐ファン]When making a playlist, is there anything you keep in mind to improve the flow of ARASHI and Western music?


[DJ IJ Wilson]I try to keep a balance between the two, and that's when I think the shows work best. There is a little bit of discovery, and a little bit of familiarity, both for me and the listeners. So they get a surprise, and also, I can get a surprise. Many of the surprises for me is hearing how well some songs go together, that I sit back in shock, and laugh with excitement. Even with some of the Western music, I am I never dreamed I would play when I first started doing this radio station. I always thought I had to stick to one genre of music, otherwise people would tune out; but that's a very dogmatic way of thinking. And this two-hour show has proved to me that it's not true. The most important thing is responding to what the listeners are enjoying; and if I notice they like a particular style of Western song, I try to find a few similar songs for next time. So, I guess I keep experimenting.



[嵐ファン]What kind of impression do you have of ARASHI fans?


[DJ IJ Wilson]They have a great musical knowledge, not just about ARASHI, but music in general. They are quintessential music lovers. But of course, I know they are passionate about ARASHI overall. I have a very positive impression about ARASHI fans; in a way, they have opened a window for me into Japanese culture. I studied a little bit at school, and of course, watched some movies and TV shows, and read books - but I've not really known many Japanese people in my lifetime. So this has been like a great learning experience for me. I really enjoy talking about music with them, and sharing new things, which is why I also like radio in general. But it's been a two way street. I have learnt so much in a short period of time. I sometimes just can't believe all the different things I'm playing, yet the listeners enjoy it.



[嵐ファン]Many fandoms in Asia have recently been sharing their favorite artists in an effort to gain successful global exposure. What do you think about this kind of activity and culture?


[DJ IJ Wilson]It's something I didn't know about before this, but I understand where it is coming from. It is the same for me when I think about Australian movies - I sometimes feel upset that they don't get the support or the marketing that they deserve. So, you feel like you want to champion it yourself. Also, before the modern era, most of the things we did were a group activity, like farming and festivals. But now, culture has become like a one-way street: here is the band, and here are the listeners. One produces, one consumes. But I think that is a very out-of-balance concept that's related directly to business. And in a way, fandom helps restore the balance, by allowing music and culture to be a group activity. Something that people share in together - and good musicians and artists understand this secret bond. So they appreciate what the fans do to help them.



[嵐ファン]Do you have a staff member who helps you? What is your own role besides selecting the music?


[DJ IJ Wilson]It is mainly me, but I do always have a few friends who help me by recording voice overs, and producing shows for Halloween night. There are also musicians and music collectors who send in song recommendations leading up to Halloween. Besides selecting the music, my main role related to the channel is producing an audio story. Every Halloween night, I try and make one fictional audio story, or one radio documentary, to play for listeners. Each year, I try and get better at making them, but it's always hard, and sometimes I don't get them completely finished in time. But to be honest, it has been my life goal since I was young, and having the radio station allows me to do it, and share it with others, so it is important to me.



[嵐ファン]What are some of the joys, difficulties, and innovations in creating broadcasts while communicating mainly with Japanese listeners?


[DJ IJ Wilson]This has been quite a profound experience for me - firstly, just to see the snowball effect around Halloween, of suddenly gaining a different demographic of listeners. But at a much deeper level, the time since Halloween over the Christmas period and into this year, of talking with many of the listeners on Twitter, and finding out more about them, and what they like. I am suddenly so surprised by what they like respond to, I would never of dreamed that I could play some of these songs on radio - so to me, it feels like a great innovation, with a lot of creativity at play from both sides. The difficulties are probably the language barrier - but I don't really see it as a problem, and also, they are making a big effort to communicate with me in English. Maybe occasionally, we might have a misunderstanding; or sometimes I'm worried that I have played something that is culturally insensitive, but usually the listeners will tell me, and let me know if something is a problem. I've also gained a unique insight into Japanese people and culture through this experience, so I'm very grateful for it.



[嵐ファン]Have you ever been exposed to Japanese music before? Were you interested in J-Pop before we send in our requests?


[DJ IJ Wilson]Godiego was the main band I knew of, because I liked the TV show Monkey which was shown in Australia when I was a little kid, and I looked them up as an adult and bought their CD. I also knew of Joe Hisaishi, from watching the movies of Beat Takeshi when I was in my early twenties. And Kitaro, who were very popular in the 80s. But I haven't really listened to any J-Pop. I have friends in Malaysia, and in a way, they made me more aware of Asian pop music, like some K-Pop bands - but I didn't consciously listen to it.


 📻 質問に答えてくれたDJ IJ Wilson🎃のラジオの詳細(日本からの聴き方・リクエスト方法など)はこちらから⇩