EBP Research News

Recent articles (2023.6.30)

2023.06.29 22:00

論文のtitleやabstractにEBP, evidence-based interventionのimplementation & disseminationに関するキーワードが含まれている文献の書誌情報を掲載していきます.

※ titleとabstractのみの確認でスクリーニングしています.あらかじめご了承ください.

Knowledge, attitude, understanding and implementation of evidence-based practice among Jordanian radiographers. 

Alakhras M, et al. Radiography (Lond). 2023;29(4):760-766. doi:10.1016/j.radi.2023.05.007. 

PhD-DNP Collaborations Can Support Implementation Science.

Ruppar TM, et al. West J Nurs Res. 2023;45(7):591. doi: 10.1177/01939459231178342. 


DNP-PhD Collaboration in NINR-Funded Physical Activity Trials: A Series of Case Studies.

Halloway S, et al. Western journal of nursing research. 2023;45(7):592–598.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37114846/

Making the business case for evidence-based practice with return on investment and value of investment.

Melnyk BM, et al. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing. 2023;20(3):176–177. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12661

Care, lead, and inspire: Infusing innovation into nursing research and evidence-based practice course.

Catarelli B, et al. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing. 2023;20(3):281–284. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12654

An objective test to measure evidence-based practice knowledge and skill competency of acute care nurses: A psychometric validation study.

Halm MA. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing. 2023;20(3):269–280. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12639

Research activities contributing to evidence-based practice implementation in Japanese rehabilitation professionals

Mizuno H, Ueno T, Takasaki H. Journal of physical therapy science. 2023;35(5):340–345. https://doi.org/10.1589/jpts.35.340


・目的:This study aimed to determine whether certain research activities improve the attitude of rehabilitation professionals towards evidence-based practice and its implementation in Japan.
・対象:physical, occupational, and speech therapists currently working in clinical settings.
・分析: hierarchical multiple regression analyses to assess the attitude of rehabilitation professionals towards evidence-based practice and research activities、解析対象者は167人
・結論:Case studies and cross-sectional studies could improve evidence-based practice implementation among rehabilitation professionals in Japan.

Proceedings of the 5th UK Implementation Science Research Conference


Evidence-based medical education using team-based learning for mixed-grade pharmacy students


準備教育の方略を考える~近畿地区統一評価基準の活用を踏まえて~ 大阪薬科大学でのチーム基盤型学習によるEBM演習

上田 昌宏, 恩田 光子. 薬学教育.2023;6:95-99.

Effect of education on physical and occupational therapists' perceptions of clinical practice guidelines and shared decision making: a randomized controlled trial

Fujimoto S, Ogawa T, Komukai K, Nakayama T. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2022;34(6):445-453.


・主要評価項目:Education, attitudes and beliefs, and interest and perceived role in evidence-based practice尺度
・結果 *数字は平均(SD)

[介入群] ワークショップ前 平均(SD): 2.4(0.9)/ワークショップ後 平均(SD):4.4(1.7)

[対照群A] 講義前 3.0(1.5) 講義後 3.5(2.0)

[対照群B] 講義前 2.6(1.2)    講義後 3.3(1.8)

実践的なEBM教育を進めていくには 大学・臨床における学びの循環

浦野 公彦, 他.薬学教育.2023;6:69-76.




