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2018.07.13 00:02









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helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo if we can hold them to under 20, we're going to win **DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS!** Thielen is such a valuable player It will be nice if we keep up with the "not being awful on defense on the first drive" thing Better on that second play. Slog and fight and win just knocking the rust off Rhodes, that's all Solid tackling as the drive went on. This could turn into an ugly game **22 DAYS!!** 2muchrunnin wow he had tons of time to make that throw and..

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#Team: New Orleans Saints ##Division: NFC South ##Record: 7-9 (2-4 Division) (3rd in NFC South) Hoooooo boy. Here we go again. For the third straight year, the mighty New Orleans Saints have channeled the mustache of Jeff Fisher to go 7-9. It is no coincidence that this coincides with the third straight year our defense has been trash. It is also no coincidence that this happened to be the year I started drinking drinking—heavily. But I digress. The last two offseasons, we’ve been disappointe..

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Goat-Proof Fence The biggest single expense with goat ownership is fencing. Goats are very tough to fence in. The can readily jump over, climb, squeeze through, or simply bash-down most typical livestock fences..

You have a long lost friend. They left you at 2009 - they were worried the world would collapse at 201X. Well, they're back, and they want to hear 5 songs from the 2010s to find out what the fuck happened in pop culture while they were gone. I'll start with my 5 1) Take Care. Rihanna and Drake are the two most influential artists of the 2010s, so this represents both, as well as being the best thing either did in the decade. 2) Closer. At some point a conversation will have to happen about.. Bad Lucky Goat: Kiara Howard, Jean Bush,.

[Serious] Does the NFL (and this subreddit) have blinders when it comes to QBs drafted late? The case for Trevor Siemian.

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xhcqgerve **Introduction** Hey repfam, coming at you with my second review. If you missed it, here’s my [first one]( from about 6 months back which was basically cwhat/nelly/adidas basics. Picked up a looot more stuff since then and became more of a hypebeast lmao. Still no bogos though haha. Some of the links are dead but I found alternate links for them. (can’t guarantee they’ll be the same). I’ll t.. GAMETHREAD WEEK 3: VIKINGS AT PANTHERS bad lucky goat gratuit completely bad lucky goat gratuit complet stream **Atlanta Hawks** LeBron is secretly a huge Twister fan. He will join the Hawks so he can film Twister 2 with their owner’s wife on their off days. **Boston Celtics** LeBron misses Kyrie. He wants to play basketball with his friend and that means playing for the Celtics. OR LeBron wants to troll Kyrie. He will go to Boston management and ask them to trade Kyrie back to Cleveland if they want him to join. Danny Ainge will agree because he has no heart. **Brooklyn Nets** LeBron loves NY. He..

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The Emerald Isle. I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would be visiting, much less living there. My late grandfather on my dad’s side had been full-blooded Black Irish, and since I was the only living descendant the family homestead came to me. It was a nice cottage with a thatched roof, a small barn, and three hectacres of land that had stone fencing around it. I fell in love the first day I set foot on the property. The locals were incredibly friendly, and I made fast friends with the..

Geocaching is a treasure hunting game where you use a GPS to hide and seek containers with other participants in the activity. is the listing service for geocaches around the world.. bad lucky goat gratuit completion bad lucky goat gratuit complete sau complet bad lucky goat gratuit complet straini bad lucky goat gratuit complete nutrition bad lucky goat gratuit complet le

bad lucky goat gratuit complete Bad Lucky Goat Gratuit complet sur foot ####Edit: Check out [the map version]( of this list made by /u/aflanryW! I still update this list from time to time to make sure that this post doesn’t get archived. Feel free to continue to leave comments. Food trucks, brunches, and places open for Sunday dinner are still needed! ___ ####Original post: I'm sure many of you have already seen this list that I've been working on, but today I hit reddit's 10,000 chara..

Colorado Medical Marijuana patient gives detailed review of Golden Goat Medical Marijuana Strain. Includes detailed pictures and Smoke Report!. So, this is an interesting one. happened last night and its too fucked/good not to share with /r/drugs. ok so, i have a friend who is leaving for the navy (c), a friend who loves to trip but wants to take a break from it all after tripping one more time (j), and me (a), who has no plans and a bag of shrooms that needs disposing of. we decided to get together and hang out as close mates for one of the last times before (c) leaves for service. 8PM: we met up at my place, jumped in navy mates com..

Hey guys! Remember that survey I asked you to take a week or so ago? Well, this took a lot longer than I anticipated. I have put them all together and created some graphics for them, and as well as that I'm gonna talk a bit about each one. There will be some obvious ups and downs in terms of votes too, so if you're that picky about for example 10 answers to question 1, and 11 to question 2, not everyone answered every question. Some people even gave 2 answers to some questions, and where approp..

Just leaving this if anyone is interested. There will be four films from four Latin American countries (Columbia, Mexico, Chile and Peru) being shown at the Main branch's auditorium. The event is free and all screenings start at 6:00PM. http..

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Now that hotels and tickets have gone on sale a lot of people will be planning their trips to Chicago in detail. I thought as a native Chicagoan that lives downtown I’d give a pretty comprehensive list of things you might have questions about. ampamp;nbsp; **Hotels-** There are a ton of hotels that are within a mile of the convention center. *** * The Hyatt Regency McCormick Place is attached to the convention center and is the closest hotel. It is a very nice hotel. * The 2nd closest..

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