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Download PDF The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction by Henry T. Greely

2023.07.06 14:29

The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction by Henry T. Greely

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Download The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction

Free e books to download The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction

Within twenty, maybe forty, years most people in developed countries will stop having sex for the purpose of reproduction. Instead, prospective parents will be told as much as they wish to know about the genetic makeup of dozens of embryos, and they will pick one or two for implantation, gestation, and birth. And it will be safe, lawful, and free. In this work of prophetic scholarship, Henry T. Greely explains the revolutionary biological technologies that make this future a seeming inevitability and sets out the deep ethical and legal challenges humanity faces as a result. Developments in genetics and stem cell research are giving rise to new techniques that will vastly improve preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), making sexless reproduction not just possible but cheap and easy—what Greely coins “easy PGD.” The first child born using PGD is now 25 years old, and thousands more are born each year. Advanced by economic, social, legal, and political forces, the emerging science has made the concerns that were once the stuff of science fiction into real problems that our children and grandchildren will face routinely. Deeply informed by Greely’s command of both science and law, The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction is a book for parents, citizens, and all those, born and unborn, who will face the consequences of a new era of human reproduction.

Sexual intercourse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reproductive sexual intercourse between non-human animals is more often in live births and roughly 25% in abortions; the remainder end in miscarriage. and more capable of sustaining children in the future (deferred reproductive).
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The Means of Reproduction: Sex, Power, and the Future of the World but her poignant human stories and thoughtful analysis can pave the way for others to The High Court of Kenya has ordered the Kenyan Ministry of Health to end the 
Evolution of sexuality: biology and behavior
Sexual reproduction in animals and plants is far more prevalent than asexual relevance of these data to human sexuality will be discussed in a future article. Those at the end with more mutations will have lower reproductive success than 
Reproductive System - El Camino College
Human Anatomy. Chapter The primary sex organs produce the sex cells (egg/ sperm) and sex hormones. At the end four genetically distinctive cells ( spermatids) are created which will each mature into a sperm. and the embryo connect to the chorionic villi via the body stalk which will become the future umbilical cord.
Sexual differentiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Differentiation of the male and female reproductive systems does not occur until the fetal Sexual differentiation in humans includes development of different genitalia and the "Betwixt and between: The past and future of intersexuality".

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