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DOWNLOADS Mathematical Methods and Physical Insights: An Integrated Approach by Alec J. Schramm

2023.07.08 04:32

Mathematical Methods and Physical Insights: An Integrated Approach. Alec J. Schramm

Mathematical Methods and Physical Insights: An Integrated Approach

ISBN: 9781107156418 | 786 pages | 20 Mb
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Download Mathematical Methods and Physical Insights: An Integrated Approach

Free ebook ita gratis download Mathematical Methods and Physical Insights: An Integrated Approach by Alec J. Schramm 9781107156418

Mathematics instruction is often more effective when presented in a physical context. Schramm uses this insight to help develop students' physical intuition as he guides them through the mathematical methods required to study upper-level physics. Based on the undergraduate Math Methods course he has taught for many years at Occidental College, the text encourages a symbiosis through which the physics illuminates the math, which in turn informs the physics. Appropriate for both classroom and self-study use, the text begins with a review of useful techniques to ensure students are comfortable with prerequisite material. It then moves on to cover vector fields, analytic functions, linear algebra, function spaces, and differential equations. Written in an informal and engaging style, it also includes short supplementary digressions ('By the Ways') as optional boxes showcasing directions in which the math or physics may be explored further. Extensive problems are included throughout, many taking advantage of Mathematica, to test and deepen comprehension.

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Mathematical and computational methods and modelling Mathematical Methods and Physical Insights. An Integrated Approach.
Mathematical Methods and Physical Insights : Alec J. Schramm
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