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ISのレビュー | Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks (2015)

2023.07.09 07:30



Nilsenの分類を知っておくことは、様々な理論/モデル/フレームワークの取捨選択において有用です.また、エビデンスに基づいた介入やその実装を考えるうえで、自分は何を知りたいのか? 何に注目したいのか?今の現状をどう整理したいのか?といったことをロジカルに組み立てるうえでも役立つように思います.



Most determinant frameworks provide limited "how-to" support for carrying out implementation endeavours since the determinants usually are too generic to provide sufficient detail for guiding an implementation process. And while the relevance of addressing barriers and enablers to translating research into practice is mentioned in many process models, these models do not identify or systematically structure specific determinants associated with implementation success. Furthermore, process models recognize a temporal sequence of implementation endeavours, whereas determinant frameworks do not explicitly take a process perspective of implementation.




(Figure1. Three aims of the use of theoretical approaches in implementation science and the five categories of theories, models and frameworks より)

■ Describing and /or guiding the process of translating research into practice

■ Understanding and/or explaining what influences implementation outcomes

■ Evaluating implementation


(Table 1 Five categories of theories, models and frameworks used in implementation science より一部抜粋)

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Nilsen P. Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks. Implement Sci. 2015;10:53. doi:10.1186/s13012-015-0242-0 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25895742/