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DOWNLOADS Doctor Who: The Water's of Mars (Target Collection) by Phil Ford, Phil Ford

2023.07.17 05:02

Doctor Who: The Water's of Mars (Target Collection) by Phil Ford, Phil Ford

Download for free books Doctor Who: The Water's of Mars (Target Collection) 9781473533455 iBook ePub FB2

Download Doctor Who: The Water's of Mars (Target Collection) PDF

Doctor Who: The Water's of Mars (Target Collection)

Download for free books Doctor Who: The Water's of Mars (Target Collection) 9781473533455 iBook ePub FB2

"Water is patient... water just waits. Water always wins!" November 21st 2059, and Bowie Base One - the first human colony on Mars - is destined for destruction in a nuclear explosion. This tragedy is a fixed point in history. The Laws of Time dictate that it cannot - must never - be changed. The Doctor arrives just as a viral life-form escapes from the Martian ice into the base's water supply. A single drop can transform a human into a terrifying monster with the power to infect others. History records that the threat is destroyed along with the base and every human in it. But as his darkest hour comes calling, the Doctor resolves to break the rules as he never has before...

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Target Books
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English - Doctor Who / TV, Movie, Video Game Adaptations
Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars (Target Collection). by Phil Ford. Kindle Edition. £5.99£5.99. This title will be released on July 13, 2023.
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Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars (Target Collection) ebook by
Feb 9, 2023 - Read "Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars (Target Collection)" by Phil Ford available from Rakuten Kobo. "Water is patient water just waits.
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Doctor Who: Books
Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars (Target Collection). by Phil Ford. Paperback. £8.79£ 
Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars (Target Collection)
Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars (Target Collection) : Ford, Phil: Amazon.com.au: Books.

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