Japanese Club

総まとめ第5週 7日目実践問題1

2023.08.03 09:26

受身形が多い文。迷惑の受け身ではないので英語でも同じように受身を使うので、単語がわかればそれほど難しくはない文章。とはいえ、英語は同じ単語を何度も使うことを避けるので、最後の開催されているは、run を使いました。

Currently, the exhibition commemorates the 10th anniversary of the earthquake and is held in  Furukawa Art Museum. The photographers are not professionals-they are normal citizens. The picture on display show the condition of the city right after the earthquake. Mrs.Yasukawa,a housewife in her 60s,stated "My husband who passed away loved this house. I wanted to save it in a picture even though it was destroyed. And then I started thinking I want to take pictures of the next house and the next of that house too. I was taking pictures like crazy."

The reconstruction has progressed, and now the beautiful cityscape has expanded. This exhibition reminds me of the event that actually happened here 10 years ago. The exhibition will run to the end of this month.

夢中で like crazy