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THE GHOST SHIP (3º ESO) (600/900 HEADWORDS) leer epub gratis

2023.08.04 19:33


Descargar libros electrónicos para móviles en formato txt THE GHOST SHIP (3º ESO) (600/900 HEADWORDS) (Literatura española) de JULIE HART 9789963481958

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Descargar libros electrónicos para móviles en formato txt THE GHOST SHIP (3º ESO) (600/900 HEADWORDS) (Literatura española) de JULIE HART 9789963481958


Strange things happen to Lucy and Paul when they go on a school trip to Greenland. A ghostly Viking ship appears in a mirage and the two teenagers soon find themselves confronting the ghosts of Eric the Red and his daughter, Freydis. Are they imagining it, or are the ghosts real? What must the teenagers do to help the ghostly Vikings find eternal rest?

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