Ameba Ownd


APU Beppaper

APU Summit

2015.05.05 17:41
Beppaper Member joined “APU Summit” held my CREW.!
So, what is APU summit??
APU summit is the event which gather people who are really active at school and have a conference. This event aims to “provide the connection between students” This was the 2nd time to do APU Summit and the topic was “How can domestic and international students become closer?”

I knew about APU Summit but I thought that's “The gathering only for famous and elite at APU”. So I was scred,,,,,,,! You know? The invitation email from them was soooo formal….
In fact, it was not scary ahahha. People there were really nice and fun to talk with. Well, I knew all the faces and names even I have never talked to some of them before. Even before the conference, they were talking each other about many academic and interesting stories.

・ 国内学生が恥ずかしがり屋すぎて英語を喋ろうとしない
・ 国ごとのコミュニティの結束力が強すぎる
・ 特にAPハウスを出てから国内学生は国内学生で固まり、国際学生は国際学生で固まる
・ 国内学生のスキンシップが少ない
・ 上回生になるにつれて同じ友達の輪にとどまり始める
・ 交流イベントの数はそこそこあるものの、宣伝が上手く出来ていない
Well, lets talk about main topic! “How can domestic and international students become closer? ”
Here are some problems we found
- Domestic students are too shy to show their “English w/ Japanese accent”
- The community of each country is too strong
- Once people leave APhouse, people tend to spend time with people from the same countries
- The skin ships of domestic students are really few
- People tend to stay in their group when they become older
- Even though there are some good exchange events, people cannot advertise well

Oh wait,, how come the people who join the summit have sooooooo many friends from all over the world ayways??
Here are some comments.
“Domestic? International??? Whats that,,? they are APU STUDENTS! They are HUMANBEING! Why they try to separate people??” Yea,, really true!
“I don't understand why people are staying their own community. APU is the best GLOBALIZED environment in Japan, maybe best in the WORLD!”

・ 「国際学生」「国内学生」という区切りを撤廃!「APU生は皆APU生です!」
・ マルチカルチュラルウィークに全部の国を1つにした「ワールドウィーク」を増やそう!
・ 毎日フリーハグだ!
・ Nodeなどを中心に色んな人が集れる会をたくさん開こう!
Well, how we gonna solve these problems??
- don't say “domestic” or “international” we are “APU students!!!”
- let’s have “world week” just like other multicultural week which everybody can join and create!
- Free Hug EVERYDAY!!
- Increase the number of exchange events
So many suggestions! We ended up with “lets say we are APU students! Try not to say domestic or international from today”
This APU summit lasted for over 3hours. I am so sorry that I cannot write everything here. It was really productive!

As I join this APU summit, I thought that CREW should invite people with more variety. We talked about how can domestic and international become closer but the people who joined this already have bunch of friends from all over the world. Even though we thought the answer is right, it might be not the right one for other students who are already making effort to make many friends but ending up failed. And if they can ask people from APU office or professors, that will be great because if we want to do something new on campus, we have to ask those people first so if they can come, we can move faster!

However, thank you so much CREW! I learned many things there! I also felt that the active people in APU are truly “GLOBALIZED!” they are so active and smart! I could feel “they LOVE APU” it was really really fun to talk with them.
You might be the next one to get the invitation for APU summit!

上記にあるnodeに興味がある方はこちらをクリック! 様々なイベントを行っています!