Fringe: Complete First Season [DVD] [Import]をお気に入りに登録しておきます。
Fringe: Complete First Season [DVD] [Import](2009/09/08)Anna Torv、Joshua Jackson 他商品詳細を見るVideo DescriptionTeleportation. Mind control. Invisibility. Astral projection. Mutation. Reanimation. Phenomena that exist on the Fringe of science unleash their strange powers in this thrilling series, co-created by J.J. Abrams (Lost, Alias), combining the grit of the police procedural with the excitement of the unknown. The story revolves around three unlikely colleagues a beautiful young FBI agent, a brilliant scientist who’s spent the last 17 years in a mental institution and the scientist’s sardonic son who investigate a series of bizarre deaths and disasters known as “the pattern.” Someone is using our world as an experimental lab. And all clues lead to Massive Dynamic, a shadowy global corporation that may be more powerful than any nation.Amazon.comTeleportation, mind control, astral projection, invisibility, precognition, spontaneous combustion, reanimation: these are among the peripheral sciences--or \\\"pseudo-sciences,\\\" as one skeptic puts it--examined during the first season of Fringe, a Fox network TV drama debuting on DVD with the full first season (twenty episodes) offered on seven extras-laden discs. The notion that those phenomena could have a genuine scientific basis is intriguing enough. But co-creator J.J. Abrams (whose bulging resume as a director, writer, and producer includes Lost, Alias, and the 2009 Star Trek feature film) has even more on his mind. Along with the weird science, the series features a multi-agency task force investigating related acts of terrorism that may very well add up to a threat of unimaginable global proportions; people who are exactly what they appear to be (i.e., insane) and others who are anything but; plot twists galore; family drama, interpersonal relationships, corporate evil, cop chases... There\\\'s a lot in play here, and while it doesn\\\'t always hold together (and like any new series, it takes a while to hit its stride), Fringe is rarely boring, and never less than impressively ambitious.The pilot introduces us to the main characters, principally FBI agent Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv, good but not great in the show\\\'s central role) and others on the task force brought in to investigate some gross goings-on aboard a jumbo jet (a \\\"self-eradicating, airborne toxin\\\" reduced everyone to blood and bones). Seems this is but one part of \\\"The Pattern,\\\" a series of synchronous, similarly shocking events that unfold as the show progresses; in subsequent episodes, lots of people are killed in graphic fashion by all manner of horrors, including scary monsters (slugs as big as a football, teethed parasites that can crush your heart), a gas that freezes a busload of passengers \\\"like insects trapped in amber,\\\" people so radioactive they can literally make your brain boil… it goes on. Helping Dunham and the rest of the force figure it all out are scientist Dr. Walter Bishop (an appealing John Noble), who\\\'s spent the past 17 years locked up in the loony bin and whose research may be responsible for some of the crimes we witness, and his son-babysitter Peter (Joshua Jackson). As for the \\\"fringe\\\" element, Dr. Bishop and other, less benign geniuses jump-start a dead man\\\'s brain, photograph another victim\\\'s cornea in order to access the last thing she saw before death, connect Dunham to her boyfriend so she can experience his memories of the incident that left him comatose, use high-frequency vibrations to enable bank robbers to pass through a solid vault wall, and much, much more. As for where and how all of this ends up, let\\\'s just that inquiring minds will have to hang in for the long, complicated run.Bonus features are many and varied; among the best are \\\"Deciphering the Scene\\\" (brief explications of key scenes in every episode) and \\\"The Massive Undertaking\\\" (detailing how certain special effects sequences were pulled off). --Sam Graham
かつては「非主流科学」(fringe science)分野の政府研究者であり、「アインシュタインの後継者」と呼ばれるほどの人物であった。
ファーストシーズンの最終回で7歳で死んだと記されたピーターの墓標の前で深い悲しみに沈む姿が。その謎の一端はセカンドシーズン第15話「ピーター」で回想しつつオリビアに語った。自分が発明したもうひとつの世界を見ることができる窓を通して、『向こう側のピーター』も死んだ自分の息子と同じ病を患っていることを知り、『向こう側のピーター』をこちらの世界に連れ去って治療した後、元の世界へ返すつもりだったが、息子を返したくないとピーターを抱きしめる妻エリザベスの姿を見て同じ想いに負け、そのまま「向こう側のピーター」を手元に置いてしまう。病死した実の息子の病名は明かさず、ただ「遺伝的な病気」としか言わなかったのには何か理由があるらしい。当然『向こう側のピーター』にはウォルターがウォルタネイト(Walternate、もうひとつの世界(alternate universe)のウォルター(Walter)という意味からの捩り)と呼ぶ本当の父親と母エリザベスがいる。
- ピーター・ビショップ (Peter Bishop) / ジョシュア・ジャクソン(声:中谷一博):国土安全保障省外部顧問
右腕は癌で失われたとされていたが、実はもう一つの世界に行こうとしたウォルターを止めようとして二つの世界の狭間により失った事がセカンドシーズンで明らかになる。ピーターの秘密を知る数少ない人間の一人である。マインドコントロール能力を発現させたタイラー・カーソンの事件の際、「ペンローズ - カーソン」プロジェクトにより複数の「タイラー」という少年を造り出すなど極秘の実験を遂行してもいた。
- 監視人(Observer) / マイケル・セルベリス(声:青山穣):
- ミッチェル・ローブ (Mitchll Loeb) / チャンス・ケリー(声:):FBI捜査官
- サマンサ・ローブ (Samantha Loeb) /トリニ・アルバラード (声:):
- エラ (Era) / (声:):
- ヨハン・レノックス (Johann Lennox) /ケネス・タイガー (声:):
- サム・ワイス(Sam Weiss)/ケビン・コリガン(声:):