Japanese Club

総まとめ 第6週3日目 生物に関する文章

2023.08.17 02:49


In recent years, the phrase "sick house syndrome"(sick building syndrome) is gaining usage. "sick"and "house"both come from English. But what does this phrase mean exactly?

Some people get sick after they move to a new house. It's due to some kind of allergic reaction to a material that was used in the house. These symptoms, which are known as "sick house syndrome," are primarily caused by wood glue and wallpaper containing formaldehyde. One of the characteristics of formaldehyde is that it changes proteins.

Human's body is consist of almost half of the protein except water. However, we can't make the generalization that sick-house syndrome is caused by these changes in proteins. This is because even if a room has wallpaper attached with that type of glues, the amount of formaldehyde in the air will be insufficient to affect proteins.