
@djmelod や所属してる
@beatjunkieios と同時期辺り、あえて言わしてもらうとBattle DJ黄金期。 だいたいBattle DJと言えば基本HIP HOPでしたが彼
@crazearoni がその概念を変えたと言っても過言ではないと思います。 ドラムンベースを使ったルーティンは衝撃的で斬新でした。 98 99 00年と
@dmc_world 名誉ある大会で3年連続世界一位になってます。
そして現在でもReal DJとして世界各地を飛び回ってます。 数年前にも岡山にPlayしに来ていて最高にカッコ良かったし、タイミングが合えば県外まで観に行ってます‼️ 固定概念を超えたoriginalなPlayは必見です。
DJ CRAZEを観て育ったDJは数しれず。。 @okayama_dj_school でもちょくちょくアップしていこうと思います。
DJ feature that I was influenced.
First introduced
I am affiliated with @ djmelod
About the same time as @ beatjunkieios, dare to say it is Battle DJ golden age. Speaking of Battle DJ, it was basic HIP HOP but he
I think that it is not an exaggeration to say that @ crazearoni changed that concept. The routine using the drum base was shocking and innovative. 98 99 00 and
@ dmc_world I have been in the world for the third consecutive year in the prestigious event.
And even now it's flying around the world as Real DJ. It was coolest as I was coming to Okayama a couple of years ago and I went to see the outside of the prefecture if the timing matched! Original original Play beyond the fixed concept is a must-see.
There are a few DJs who grew up watching DJ CRAZE. . I am planning to upload it regularly though