イタリアアート誌🇮🇹 Biancoscruro artmagazine主催のアートコンテストの結果発表と授賞式がありました。世界のアートフェアのメディアパートナーをされていてArt baselは全部雑誌社として出展してるし、モナコやインスブルックやチューリッヒやVernice art fairなどのアートフェアにはグループ展で出展させていただいています。
でもlive streamingがあったので、リアルタイムで結果を聞けて作品の晴れ姿をこの目で見ることができた。
Recently at the Monte Carlo Bay Hotel in Monaco 🇲🇨
There was an art contest results announcement and award ceremony organized by the Italian art magazine 🇮🇹 Biancoscruro artmagazine.
They are media partners of art fairs around the world, and they have a collective stand all Art basel series as a magazine company, and i have exhibited in group shows at Vernice art fair, art fairs in Monaco, soon Innsbruck,, and others.
How many times I have searched for tickets to Monaco because I wanted to go there so badly.
Of course, it is high season and I can't go.
But I was able to listen to the results in real time and see the works of art with my own eyes because of live streaming.
Thank you!