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[download pdf] The Garden of Seven Twilights by Miquel de Palol, Adrian Nathan West

2023.10.08 11:04

The Garden of Seven Twilights by Miquel de Palol, Adrian Nathan West

Free ebook download for android phone The Garden of Seven Twilights PDF MOBI iBook (English literature)

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Free ebook download for android phone The Garden of Seven Twilights PDF MOBI iBook (English literature)


As if Borges wrote The Decameron During an atomic alarm in Barcelona in the year 2025, the thirty-year old hero takes refuge in a luxurious mansion in the mountains where he is put up, along with other guests, awaiting the outcome of the conflict. For the following seven days the residents of the mansion spend their spare time reading and taking walks , and, above all, telling stories to each other. The narrators (most of whom belong to the generation thirty years older than the hero's) are eight in number, and the stories they tell can be taken as autonomous ones, although, as the novel advances, it may soon be that when juxtaposed, they do indeed weave a web of intrigue about a family of bankers—a web that gradually involves some of the guests in the mansion.

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