Ameba Ownd




2023.10.15 02:04

こんなときのにほんご。シーズン2-65 (2023/10/15配信)

Hello Everyone. I’m Megumi. How are you going? This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast! 


 Today's content is not so much 'speaking' specific. But it's important, so I've made it into a quiz. I hope you'll give it a go! 

今日はあまり「話す」に特化した内容ではありません。 でも大切なことなので、クイズにしてみましたよ。挑戦してみてくださいね。 

Then, here is quiz for today! 


Dates written on food packaging, “しょうみきげん” and ”しょうひきげん”. In some cases, only one of them may be written, in others both may be written. 

Which of these two means 'do not eat after this date'? 

食べ物のパッケージに書いてある、賞味期限と消費期限という日付。 片方しか書いてない場合もあれば、両方とも書いてある場合もあるかもしれません。 


The answer is “しょうひきげん”. 

“しょうみきげん” is written as 'the period during which this food can be eaten well' and is often eaten even if it is slightly past its expiry date. However, if there is mould or an unusual odour, please refrain from eating it. 



I was surprised to hear that there are many more phrases in other countries. Note that Japanese notations are few but difficult to understand! 

海外ではもっとたくさんの言い回しがあると聞いてびっくりしました。 日本の表記は少ないのにわかりにくいので要注意です! 


That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!