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Team ARASHI ~  嵐応援情報

【独占インタビュー】DJ Derek/Your, Hits Digital, West Sussex, UK and Naas Radio Online, Naas, Ireland ②

2023.10.30 08:43

イギリス・ウェストサセックスのラジオ局 Your Hits Digital 及び、アイルランド・ネースのラジオ局 Naas Radio Online のDJのDerekさんにお話うかがいました。こちらはそのPART2です。 

 ➡ PART1 はこちら


(DJ Derekより、日本語訳[by Ryu for TeamARASHI]及び掲載の許諾済)

💬 番組の選曲について


[嵐ファン]ARASHI's "voice" was played right after the Beatles' "She Loves You" in one of your recent episodes. We were excited to hear ARASHI followed by the Beatles. When you choose ARASHI songs for your playlist, do you consider the overall flow of the program? For example, how do you decide which Western songs to play before and after ARASHI? 

先日の番組で、ビートルズの「She Loves You」のすぐ後に、嵐の「voice」をかけてもらいました。ビートルズと嵐の曲が並んでかかったことに、嵐ファンはとても感激しました。 プレイリストの中に嵐の曲を入れる時、例えば、前後にかける洋楽などとのバランスを考えることはありますか?何か意識されていることがあれば教えてください。 

[DJ Derek]I try to change each show with different music. I could play anything but it's down to how you feel on the day. You can judge a crowd when you are doing a disco as a DJ you go in with a set list to play and you have to read if the crowd takes to it. But you might have to change the whole outlook on the party and play something else. So to pick an ARASHI song I try to incorporate it with the music I am playing. 



[嵐ファン]When you play songs for us outside the requests, what factor do you consider more important in choosing the songs, the lyrics or the sounds? 


[DJ Derek]The lyrics and music play the part evenly; one day it could be lyrics and next music. 



[嵐ファン]You played "5×20" and "Love Wonderland" on September 15, ARASHI Formation Anniversary. "5×20" was a request, but "Love Wonderland" was your pick. Was there any specific reason to play "Love Wonderland" to commemorate the anniversary? 

嵐結成日の9月15日に「5×20」と「Love Wonderland」をかけていただきました。「5×20」はリクエストでしたが「Love Wonderland」を選曲した理由を教えてください。 

[DJ Derek]No reason at all. “5×20” was requested and “Love Wonderland” was played because I try to play songs which I have not played as of yet. Thank you for the interview. I really appreciate it. 特にこれといった理由はなかったんですよ。「5×20」はリクエストされた曲で「Love Wonderland」は、まだオンエアしたことのない曲をかけようと思って自分で選んだ曲でした。インタビューをしていただき、ありがとうございました。本当に嬉しく思います。

📻 質問に答えてくれたDJ Derek のラジオの詳細(日本からの聴き方・リクエスト方法など)はこちらから⇩ 

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土曜 22:00〜24:00 Afternoon Daylight