Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal

Day 0-1 Before departing⇒Tokyo⇒Amsterdam⇒Prague

2023.10.27 12:10


 早速レンタルスーツケース返却のための集荷をかけ、昼寝をして、夜はチェンバロニスト、ジャン・ロンドーのコンサートへ。なんと、オーストリアの作曲家の曲、モーツアルトなどを演奏され、走馬灯のように、脳内に旅行の映像が流れていきました。旅行記のイメトレも完了しているので、Day 0からの詳細な旅行記を執筆しようと思います。

Day 0




 スムーズにホテルに到着し、ドアを開けると母が寝る支度をしていました。私は、スーツケースからパソコンを出して、クライアントさんにフィードバックシートを送る作業をしなくてはなりません。そのとき、「うわっ、充電器を家に忘れた!」と。ブロガーたるもの大ショック。母は、「大丈夫よ。そんな人沢山いるんじゃないの?」と言ったので、冷静になってググってみると、そんな人はたくさんいるようで、充電器で対応できる技なども書いてありました。しかし、私のラップトップは、その充電は対応していないようでした。そうなると、成田空港の電気屋で、マルチポータブルな充電器を買うか、それとも、iPad miniを持っているので、ポータブルキーボードを買うかの2択になります。どうやら、成田空港に朝7時から営業しているビックカメラやキムラヤがあるようです。最悪そこで買えなくても、ポータブルキーボードなら、世界中にあるでしょう。充電器がなくても、スマホでアップロードもできるし、またバッテリーも85%残っていたので、月曜のメルマガのために残しておこうと思い、安心して眠りにつきました。

Day 1 

■ ホテル出発 7:30 






■9:40 KLM ご搭乗開始。





■17:20 アムステルダム到着 (日本時間 午前12:20)


■乗り継ぎ待ち 約3時間




■20:50 アムステルダム~プラグへ


■22:30 チェコ到着


■23:50 チェコのホテルに到着



★Day 1 の動画

Day 2 に続きます。

■English Version

Yesterday, from the moment I arrived at Narita Airport until I opened the door of my home, I was a bit worried about my houseplants. However, it appears that my preparations for watering them while I was away paid off; they all seemed to be in good condition. Surprisingly, two hibiscus flowers even bloomed in my absence!

I immediately arranged for the collection of my rented suitcase, took a nap, and then went to a concert by harpsichordist Jean Rondeau in the evening. Astonishingly, he performed pieces by Austrian composers like Mozart, which triggered a stream of travel memories in my mind, almost like a slideshow. Given that I’ve already completed mental preparations for my travel journal, I’m planning to write a detailed account starting from Day 0.

Day 0

I had a morning flight, so I decided to spend the night at a hotel near Narita Airport. I worked right up until departure, finally packing my laptop into my suitcase and leaving the house. At the nearest station, which lacks a downward escalator, I was contemplating how to carry my heavy suitcase down the stairs when a foreign woman and a man in his 20s both offered to help. Eventually, the young man ended up carrying it for me. My suitcase already weighed 19kg, packed with freeze-dried food, four bottles of soft water for coffee, tea, and some clothes for my mother. His help was invaluable. After exiting the ticket gates, another set of stairs awaited, and the same man helped me again. The commute to Narita Airport took about an hour and a half due to the rush hour, but I usually stand on the train anyway, so it was no big deal. I have a trip ahead of me, after all! I heard there was a shuttle bus from Narita Airport to the hotel, running three times an hour. As I walked from the train station to the bus stop, a bus arrived just in time. Upon smoothly reaching the hotel and opening the door, I found my mother getting ready for bed. I needed to send a feedback sheet to a client, so I pulled my laptop from my suitcase. That’s when I realized, “Oh no, I left my charger at home!” As a blogger, this was a big shock. My mother said, “Don’t worry, this probably happens to many people,” and sure enough, a quick Google search revealed various workaround tips. Unfortunately, my laptop wasn’t compatible with any of them. So, my choices were either to buy a multi-portable charger at an electronics store in Narita Airport or to buy a portable keyboard for my iPad Mini. Thankfully, there were shops like Bic Camera and Kimuraya that open at 7 a.m. Worst-case scenario, I could buy a portable keyboard anywhere in the world. With my phone’s ability to upload and a laptop battery at 85%, I decided to save it for Monday’s newsletter and went to bed reassured.

Day 1

Hotel Departure 7:30The next morning, I boarded the 7:30 hotel shuttle bus to Narita Airport. The bus was filled more with foreigners than Javanese 10 minutes, we arrived at Narita Airport Terminal 1. I headed to the far end where the tour company’s booth was, received my earphone guide and insurance brochure, got an explanation about currency exchange and check-in counters, and went to KLM’s check-in counter. Only two counters were open. One foreigner took quite a while to check-in, and an Asian staff member seemed to be a newbie, making things slower, essentially leaving just one counter. I found out there was no electronics store in Terminal 1; to go to one, I would need to go to Terminal 2. By the time we checked in, there was no time to go there. The only option left was to check travel shops for a folding keyboard, but I found none. I did, however, manage to get a pair of sunglasses that didn’t look like they cost only a thousand yen. (laughs) The only remaining option is Amsterdam’s airport. Finally, at a café near the boarding gate, I had a hot dog for breakfast and met up with 13 people on the same tour. Though we were flying in Premium Economy, others seemed to be couples who had finished raising their children or people in their 70s who love to travel, all in Business Class. My youthful-looking mother was the oldest, and I was the youngest. Mid-trip, everyone said I looked like I was in my 20s due to my “flawless skin with no wrinkles!” Yes, I even brought my 100,000 yen beauty facial device as part of my morning routine.

The space feels considerably larger than in economy. There’s also a footrest, and if you recline the seat all the way back, you can sleep at an angle similar to that of a massage chair. While the meals were different from those in business class, the food on the KLM flight to Amsterdam was quite delicious.

This time, I used the onboard Wi-Fi for an hour, costing 8 euros. I could send and receive messages and browse the internet. I also used the opportunity to check for typos in the Kindle book on listening skills that I co-authored with ChatGPT. I had to use my iPad since I forgot my laptop charger, but the display was clearer, making it easier. I was so engrossed in my work that I didn’t even watch any movies. The snacks and pre-landing breakfast were delicious, and frequent drink services made it a very comfortable journey.

I arrived in Amsterdam at 5:20 p.m.  local time (0:20 a.m. JST). Upon arrival, I was welcomed by a rainbow! I had a layover of approximately three hours. The Amsterdam airport is pretty big; I remembered transferring here during my two-week study trip to London in 2014. This time, however, I was more comfortable with English and felt less stressed.

During my layover, I tried to find a portable keyboard but ended up not buying one. Time flew as I relaxed in a massage chair and brushed my teeth.

Actually, one of the male participants went missing, and the tour guide was running around in a panic. Due to privacy concerns, it seems that we couldn't call him directly. The tour guide thought everything would work out since we had about 3 hours until the connecting flight. However, it turns out the man had actually left the country. He was finally found just in the nick of time. Apparently, there are many men who leave everything up to their wives, and only after the tour has started, they ask, "Where are we going?" (laughs)

At 8:50 p.m., I was on my way from Amsterdam to Prague. The plane was small, and many passengers brought suitcases that barely fit in the overhead compartments. Two large men flanked me, and the one by the window said, “I’ll make myself smaller for you.” Understanding his English effortlessly felt like progress. I was offered brown bread with cheese, but I was already full.

I arrived in Czech Republic at 10:30 p.m.. The outdoor temperature was 9 degrees Celsius, with a misty atmosphere and the scent of forests. I reached the hotel in Czech Republic by 11:50 p.m. My room felt like a palace, elevating my spirits. The next morning, I took a commemorative photo on the room’s sofa. Despite the 20-hour journey from Japan, I didn’t experience any jet lag and woke up feeling refreshed!