Calling All Japanese Sake Lovers!!

Try Japanese sake which is made by "kimoto"!!
Do you love Japanese sake? Do you know Kimoto??
I want to tell you there are two methods to make sake.
When they make Japanese sake, yeast is very important in the process and the key is the yeast starter because it can increase the amount of yeast.
There are two yeast starters,"kimoto" and "sokujyo".
Kimoto is a traditional method and allows lactic acid bacteria to grow naturally, so it takes more time and cost than sokujyo, but has a richer flavor and aroma.
Sokujyo is easier to control, but kimoto requires more skill and experience to produce high quality.
Please try and enjoy Japanese sake made with the kimoto method.
You will find it has a much better taste!
Top photos is Ryusei Zenshichi kimoto by Fujii sake brewery
The best of Kimoto sake.

This is another japanese sake of kimoto styele.
This is from Utsunomiya brewery. You will fell rich flavor from rice and good balanced taste.
HP: (Japanese only)
#Japanesesake #Kimoto #traditionalmethod #richflavor #sakesommelierrecommend #sakelover