最初のウォーミングアップではTMODはYさんより、色が入ったイデオムの色の部分を当てるというクイズが出されました。例えばpaint the town ( ) という問題が出され( )に何色が入るかを当てるクイズです。
準備スピーチはSさんの「インパクト in オーストラリア」、Kさんの「Tablet」、Cさんの「How I Became a More Accomplished Speaker」の3本のスピーチがありました。オーストラリア旅行の話から多様性の話になり、多様性について議論させるという少し変わった展開のスピーチをしたSさんがベストスピーカーに選ばれました。
Today's regular meeting was very successful, with 9 participants and 3 prepared speeches for the first time in a while.
During the warm-up, TMOD gave us a quiz by Mr. Y, in which we had to guess the colored word in a variety of idioms. For example, paint the town (red).
Our word of the day was miraculous, an adjective for miracle. Miraculously, it was difficult for most of us to use the word.
For table topics, Ms. N provided topics based on photos taken while jogging along the Nogawa River. For example, we were shown a picture of a crow on a riverbank and asked the question, "What is this crow thinking?" Mr. Y, Mr. I, Mr. M, and Ms. E answered their respective questions, and Ms. M was selected as the best table topic speaker.
There were three prepared speeches: Mr. S's ``Impact in Australia'', Mr. K's ``Tablet'', and Mr. Cs ``How I Became a More Accomplished Speaker''. Mr. S, who gave a slightly unusual speech in which he started talking about his trip to Australia and then talked about diversity, was selected as the best speaker.
During the 10-minute break before the review, Mr. H, who was a member until last year, joined us as a guest from Canada.
In the commentary, Mr. I mentioned the good points and areas for improvement in Mr. S's speech, Mr. C gave feedback on Mr. K's speech, and Ms. M mentioned the good points and areas for improvement in Mr. C's speech, and Ms. M was selected as the best evaluator. Mr. M won two best awards for table topics and evaluation.
This time, we had a very fun regular meeting, with lots of new things being tried in the warm-up and table topics, voting on prepared speeches and critiques for the first time in a while, and Mr. H joining in midway through. .