EBP Research News

Recent articles (2023.11.23)

2023.11.23 06:00

論文のtitleやabstractにEBP, evidence-based interventionのimplementation & disseminationに関するキーワードが含まれている文献の書誌情報を掲載していきます.

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連載 これからの臨床現場を支えるために COVID-19を経験した米国の看護現場から・19 臨床看護師同士で看護研究とEBPをサポートする—新しい知識創造のための看護研究・2.

岩間 恵子.看護管理.2023;33(7):634-637 https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1686202440


連載第18回では,看護研究に欠かせないサポートシステムを紹介しました。今回は,引き続きマグネット認証(Magnet Recognition®)で評価される要素の1つ,「新しい知識,変革を駆使し,質の向上を図る」に関してのトピックを掘り下げていきます。同じ臨床看護師同士の悩みや問題解決意識には多くの共通点があるため,お互いにサポートし合うシステムが必要です。特に,臨床看護師同士でお互いの看護研究とエビデンスに基づく看護(Evidence Based Practice:EBP)を支え合う活動について,どのような取り組みができるか,私の働く病棟での例を挙げながら考えていきます。

【予防】カテーテル関連尿路感染症予防 エビデンスをいかに実践に生かすか

福田 俊輔, 他.Intensivist. 2023;15(1):73-80.


カテーテル関連尿路感染症(CAUTI)予防は,本誌2011年1月号の特集『Infection Control』でも取り上げられたテーマである。その後,2014年には米国医療疫学学会が主催のもと,急性期病院における予防戦略が発表され,また同年には英国保健省が予防のためのガイドラインを発表している。基本的な予防戦略は過去のガイドラインの推奨を踏襲しているが「リマインダーシステム」や「看護師主導の抜去プロトコル」といった推奨項目を臨床現場で応用する手段についても記述がなされた。近年は,エビデンスに基づく介入を単独で行うのではなく,一連の介入を同時に行う「バンドル」による予防戦略が有効であるとの報告も散見され,単に知識として推奨項目を共有するだけではなく,推奨をいかに臨床現場で有機的に応用するかという視点に切り替わってきている。本稿では,今までのガイドラインの内容および米国医療研究・品質調査機構(AHRQ)のプログラムを参考に,エビデンスに基づくCAUTI予防について概説するとともに,臨床現場でのエビデンスの応用についても紹介していく。

Observing and Assessing Competence in Evidence-Based Medicine in Graduating Medical Students: A 5-Year Multi-Institution Report. 

Nicholson J, et al. Acad Med. 2023;98(11S):S186. 
https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000005396 [PMID:37983430]

The evidence-based practice teaching competence of clinical preceptors at different stages of innovation-decision process: A cross-sectional survey in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.

Zhou F, et al. Nurse Educ Today. 2023;132:106027. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2023.106027  [PMID:37956570]


Background: Traditional Chinese Medicine Nursing Clinical Preceptors (TCMN-CPs) are crucial to cultivate undergraduates' evidence-based practice (EBP) competence during clinical practicum in traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) hospitals. However, the TCMN-CPs' EBP teaching competence is unclear. Underpinned by Rogers' innovation-decision process, our study aimed to investigate TCMN-CPs' EBP teaching competence and the related characteristic factors at five stages of knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation and confirmation.
Methods: An online survey was conducted by using a modified evidence-based practice teaching competence questionnaire (EBPT-COQ) encompassing attitude, knowledge/skill and practice of EBP teaching in four TCM teaching hospitals in Beijing, China.
Results: A total of 654 TCMN-CPs were included, with a response rate of 91.47 %. Most TCMN-CPs were in knowledge stage (339, 51.83 %), followed by the persuasion stage (166, 25.38 %), decision stage (123, 18.81 %), implementation stage (23, 3.52 %) and confirmation stage (3, 0.46 %). The total and dimension scores of EBPT-COQ increased as the diffusion stage developing, the confirmation stage was the highest (5.48 ± 0.80). Twenty-three items' mean scores were higher than 4 points (95.83 %), except for "Research skills" (3.58 ± 1.38). The related characteristic factors were 1) age (Z = -4.177), working experience (H = 11.087), clinical teaching experience (H = 12.602), management position (Z = 2.565), research experience (Z = -2.867) and EBP training (Z = 3.146) at Knowledge stage; 2) research experience (ZPersuasion = -2.617; ZDecision = -3.510), EBP training (ZPersuasion = 2.528; ZDecision = 3.433) at Persuasion and Decision stage (all P<0.05). And the first three stages TCMN-CPs' EBPT-COQ scores were positively correlated with TCMN-CPs' attitude toward clinical teaching (r = 0.244-0.331, P<0.001).

Conclusions: Most of the TCMN-CPs' EBP teaching status are in the first three diffusion stages. Though their attitude, knowledge/skills and practice to EBP teaching competence have gradually improved with the deepening of the diffusion stage, much efforts should be made to keep progressing. TCMN-CPs' qualifications of EBP teaching could include rich clinical work and teaching experience, enjoying teaching. Nursing managers, with higher EBP teaching competence, might play a crucial role in promoting the diffusion of EBP teaching. All TCMN-CPs showed an inadequacy of research skills of EBP teaching. Therefore, it is warranted to explore the minimum research skill requirements for EBP teaching and to establish academic-practice partnerships.

Are "well" teachers "better" teachers? A look into the relationship between first-year teacher emotion and use of evidence-based instructional strategies.

Mennes H, et al. Sch Psychol. 2023 Nov 13. doi: 10.1037/spq0000593. Online ahead of print. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000593 [PMID: 37956072]