EBP Research News

Organizational Culture and Readiness for System-wide Integration of EBP scaleを使った研究論文の例

2023.11.26 00:00

EBPに対する組織の準備性(readiness)を評価する尺度のひとつに、Melnykらが発表した Organizational Culture and Readiness for System-wide Integration of Evidence-based Practice (OCRSIEP) scale があります.(*書籍は2006年、論文は2010, 2022年、短縮版の発表は2021年)

この記事では、OCRSIEP scale を用いた研究結果を報告した論文を紹介します.

Exploring nurse beliefs and perceived readiness for system wide integration of evidence based practice in a large pediatric health care system. 


Engaging advanced practice nurses in evidence-based practice: An e-mentoring program.

Evidence-Based Practice Beliefs, Implementation, and Organizational Culture and Readiness for EBP Among Nurses, Midwives, Educators, and Students in the Republic of Ireland


Clinical nurses' beliefs, knowledge, organizational readiness and level of implementation of evidence-based practice: The first step to creating an evidence-based practice culture. 

To assess the impact of leadership facilitation strategies on nurses’ beliefs of the importance and frequency of using evidence in daily nursing practice and the perception of organizational readiness in an acute care hospital.


Building a Unit-Level Mentored Program to Sustain a Culture of Inquiry for Evidence-Based Practice. 



◆Original scaleに関する文献

